On jibing--I was taught in the "old school" where jibing was
forbidden. Even race courses had marks changed the day of the race to
eliminate the need for jibing. To this day, the only boat I jibe with
is my Hobie 16...because of the two hulls it can be difficult to
come about in some wind conditions, but I still hate it.
Since you are a wannabe, let me set the record straight. Jibing is
a non-event on Rhodes 22s. It belongs in your repertoire.
General Boats
In racing, I have found the trick to a successful jibe is
maintaining control of the boom, especially in heavy wind. This is
accomplished by pulling in your mainsheet to center the boom as much
as possible before the jibe. Communication between the helmsman and
the mainsail traveler controller is essential to maintain boat speed
in the jibe.