[Rhodes22-list] Rhodes22 manual online
Christine Allison
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 13:35:41 -0400
<I talked to Stan about putting the manual online, "Requests Denied". To get
a rhodes22 manual please call 252-482-4372.
Their is a charge(forgot to ask how much).
PS. Maybe we can get him to rethink it by coming up with some way of
positioning it or so he sees the value in it for him
PSS. I do not agree here, kind of see this as a friend making a PR blunder,
but it's his company, I know the reasoning here but feel better not specking
for Stan in this case.>
This is peculiar position to take. Most every vendor of expensive items
posts their manuals. One example is Bill Menger (catboats). His manual
contains a wealth of material on his boat an cats in general and is freely
available for download.
It seems to me that Vangard (Laser, Sunfish) has many of their manuals on
line also.
Richard Smith