[Rhodes22-list] joke: look at what Brad did at work

brad haslett flybrad@yahoo.com
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:12:34 -0800 (PST)

Mike, Good one!  What can I say but the guy was slow
and wouldn't get out of the way.  Besides, that's what
he gets for leaving Rudolph behind, couldn't see him
without the nose..... I'm flying a short trip to
Houston and back on Christmas Eve.  It is actually a
fun night to fly, the traffic is light and the
controllers are in a good mood.  The best Christmas
flight I ever had was about fifteen years ago we were
on the polar route from Anchorage, AK to Prestwick
Scotland and the second officer got a phone patch
through Stockholm Radio to his family who was having a
big gathering(this was before the Soviet Union fell
apart and Asia to Europe flights went over the top).
We were about 5 degrees from the North Pole when he
called.  After listening to the wife, kids, mom, dad,
grandpa, grandma and everyone else say, "we miss you,
we love you, have a safe flight" I thought the whole
crew was going to start balling. We sucked it up
though and like the good macho flyers we are he got a
ration of sh#t for the rest of the flight.  Brad.
--- Mike Leone <mleone@sea-air-space.com> wrote:
> ----
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> bytes Desc: not available
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