[Rhodes22-list] checking a new footer

Rik Sandberg rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 14:26:41 -0500


I think this is a good thing. I hope Sam understands that we don't mean any
harm to him. They have given us a good service for as long as I have been
here (going on 3 years now). I for one will continue to patronize the
sailnet store.

For those who don't know, www.sailnet.com has a very nice web site. I have
it on my "favorites" list. Besides being an internet "store" there are a lot
of interesting articles on almost every aspect of sailing. If you haven't
already, give it a try, I'm sure you'll find it useful. Remember, it's good
to support the folks that do or have supported you.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Meltzer" <mjm@michaelmeltzer.com>
To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 1:40 PM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] checking a new footer

> Figured Sam was owned it after all these years
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