[Rhodes22-list] Trailer Brakes Question
Mary Lou Troy
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:40:30 -0400
We saw this reported in one of the freebie rags that we pick up down on the
Eastern Shore. Evidently the Gov. didn't sign a law exempting recreational
trailers from the state's existing law which states that only brakes
allowed are those approved by Federal DOT. It appears that surge brakes are
and have been illegal in MD for trailers over 3000 lbs. Fred and I are
mulling the situation and will start eyeing every trailer we see in MD.
Mary Lou
At 05:19 PM 7/30/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>This is a question to Rhodies in the Chesapeake Bay area. A friend who has a
>boat in the upper bay told me that the Governor of Maryland signed a law
>into effect making surge brakes illegal in the state. He also said that te
>fine was like $500 or more. Supposedly the law was for trucks but as it
>turned out it ended up including boat trailers. I need to put brakes on my
>trailer after I get my boat done ( whenever that happens). Since I live in
>PA but want to sail on the bay this is a concern to me and possibly the rest
>of you. I have a dual axle trailer that in PA if registered over 3000 pounds
>needs brakes on all 4 wheels to pass inspection. I was going to put 4 disk
>brakes and a new surge unit on it. I think this is the ideal setup for this
>type trailer. I could use any information on this situation before I spend
>money on something that won't be legal where I want to use it. Any help will
>be appreciated.
>1974 R22 Gossamer Wing
>Berwick, PA
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