[Rhodes22-list] Stop it - it is hormonal
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 13:56:04 -0500
This rancorous exchange has to do with primordial human
hormonal changes from the change in amount of sunlight. As days get
shorter, amounts of sun driven hormones decrease and make humans more
cantankerous. That is why we put Election Day where it is. Throw the
rascals out syndrome is at it peak. All these combatants need to read
'Sunlight' by Z. R. Kime, M. D.
Now we have someone posting sexiest jokes. Next you will
loose the female members of the list. And again look who is edging him
on saying how good the joke was.
Once we get past December 22 then there is a period of
quiescence. And the opposite effect begins on human along about March.
The result is the optimistic effect of spring caused by increasing
hormonal levels. Your only hope is for an early spring effect.
Ed K