[Rhodes22-list] Recyled Rhodes from Stan - Right from the get go

Kroposki kroposki@innova.net
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 12:09:16 -0500

Hi Alice:
         There are many options to add on, but first ask or look at the
option list he has already provided with the recycled he is offering
you.  I got a recycled '84 from Stan two years ago and he had a list of
options that were already on the boat in the proposal he sent me.
          There will be at least two and sometimes many opinions to
every option available.  Before making a decision on what to add
immediately consider whether you can easily add it later and how deep
your pocket book is at time of purchase.
          As Roger already said, how you plan to sail is important.  All
you have told us is that you plan to join us Rhodes22 owners.  Where
will you be sailing: Ocean, bay, sound, lake, great lakes, and river?
What part of the country?  While Roger and other northern sailors are
putting their private yachts to sleep for the winter, those of us down
south keep right on sailing.
	You didn't tell us if you already have a motor.  There is a big
controversy on this list as to two versus four cycle motor.  Many of us
use the two cycle motors and think that they are best for us.  First,
the two cycles are significantly lighter, a factor in trailering.
Second, the new two cycle Tohatsu meets California emission standards so
the pollution question does not carry the weight or validity it did ten
years ago.  The mixing a little bit of two cycle oil to the gas is not
big deal.  I'm still using the gas that I mixed in April.  It is a sail
	The life line issue has been discussed recently and you can go
the web site and read the past post.  But if the boat that Stan offers
has lines and not Stainless Steel Rails, I would take the lines unless
you develop very strong feelings to the contrary.  And if you are an
experience and nimble sailor the life lines get in the way.  
      Ed K --- sailing on Rummy's lake in SC.....