[Rhodes22-list] Tongue Removal
Bill Effros
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:57:03 -0500
The simple advice to remove the trailer extension tongue and rest it on the frame when not in use did not go unheeded by me this year.
Actually, after putting the boat in this spring, it was moved by a Town employee to a distant storage location and I didn't remove the tongue until I needed it again this fall. (I did clean and lube it though, and it easily slipped out, but this is not a chance I will take again.)
With Bruce's help, I pulled the boat 2 weeks ago, moved it in the yard to where it will stay this winter, and forgot to remove the tongue. This week I decided to go back and remove the tongue. Imagine my surprise to discover that after only 10 days the tongue had already begun to seize. The big hammer freed it up in a couple of minutes, but it is not a lesson I will soon forget.
Bill Effros