[Rhodes22-list] Hand held GPS- What unit to get?

Bill Effros bill@effros.com
Sun, 24 Nov 2002 10:16:19 -0500


A little more background if you were not on the list when I got my GPS.  As
you may know from subsequent posting, I am a strong adherent of the KISS
principle.  I have no electronic instruments on board, and would still have
none but for the fact that an automobile manufacturer sent me an offer of a
free GPS if I would test drive one of their cars at a dealership a few
blocks from my home.  This was I deal I could not refuse.

As noted previously, this free toy has become such an indispensable tool I
am considering the actual purchase of a second one.  Mine didn't come with
mapping, so I can't really speak to the issue.  Mine does have lots of
features (as noted by Brad) that I never use.

Do others on the list have and use GPS mapping?

Bill Effros

PS -- Brad, I noticed in some of the Magellan literature that they made a
point of the fact that their bottom of the line units will track speeds up
to 596 kts. however I don't think this should be a deciding factor for an

PPS -- Brad, I have moved an old toaster-oven to my boat just to be on the
safe side.

----- Original Message -----
From: <GARDENBAY1@aol.com>
To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Hand held GPS- What unit to get?

Bill, thanks for the product review I was looking at the Magellan line and
you sold me. Last question do you think the mapping option has value for us
or just a marketing ploy? Thanks for your valued input. Dan in Brigantine
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