[Rhodes22-list] Emailing: hardware 006

Mary Lou Troy mltroy@netreach.net
Sun, 24 Nov 2002 21:29:08 -0500

Gee Anne, I think we've just converted to something similar to what you 
have (which is so superior to our old "pull on the out haul line and then 
try to cleat it off on the horn cleat while letting out the mainsheet" 
version). I'm not sure I understand your problem from your description. Our 
slider has a thumscrew on it which is more a pain in the neck than a help. 
Stan told us that the whole thing works better when the slider slides 
freely. As for the lines, at times when we've furled the sail in rising 
winds we've reset the outhaul line on the horn cleat and then furled the 
sail to take up the slack. That seems to work ok. Our new fittings route 
the outhaul line through a turning block like the one on the top of your 
boom, down through the boom to where it cleats off on a cam cleat mounted 
vertically on a starboard bracket. I can't see if this what you have from 
the pic. I guess with the new arrangement when we furl it, the main will 
flap a bit more as we'll have to make sure there is slack in the outhaul 
line above the cam cleat. In general operation - just unfurling the main, I 
expect it to be far superior to our old arrangement.

Mary Lou
1991 R22 Fretless
Ft. Washington, PA/ Swan Creek, MD

At 06:22 PM 11/24/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>Hello List,
>I have attached a photo of my outhaul on my IMF.
>I have been having difficulty with further reefing the main.
>In heavy winds I do notch it downward on the boom, but at
>a few times I would like to make this little piece stop sliding.
>Any effort to roll in the main makes for the outhaul to fly
>leeward and flap. Does anyone have a different piece of hardware
>in this spot and if so, what is the number or how could I "adapt"
>Thank you in advance,
>PS Over Thanksgiving I will be at a large West Marine and can get this 
>part. Leave Tues.
>Name: hardware 006.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 543673 bytes Desc: not available
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