[Rhodes22-list] I'm Back
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 06:47:35 -0500
Whew! Fell asleep on the couch last night!
Thanks to all who came to the Kentucky Lake gathering.
It sure was a big time as always. Elton brought the shiny
red store so that we could save shipping on cool items
for the boats and force feed him (as we do all participants).
Yes, the crazy Rik and Elton were out on the fogged in lake
sailing in the rain after three boats came in and hopped into
the hot tub in their cabins. I never went out in the first place
because I was loading food....plus I had no one to go with me
(Ahem, Rummy) (I had sailed many days the previous week.)
Guess I will have to spend the $300 to raise my boat and
power spray the bottom in order to win next years!
I did scrub it 2 weeks earlier!...but two weeks can lay a good
layer of yuk on that bottom. Great winds for the race.
Hot and calm on Sat so we rafted up and swam in Cow Bay which
was very enjoyable.
Bob Weber came down from St Louis with his wife Annette.
Brad Haslett.....well we waited as long as we could tolerate in the
marina which is always 15 degrees warmer than the lake and finally
we took off. Sure nuf, after we returned he was there! Sorry Brad.
Sure was enjoyable talking with you! Brad and I chatted while the
Rhodie fellas helped a Hunter 24 get their motorless boat onto its
trailer for thier first time. Man, that guy forwarded and backed that
trailer all afternoon! Seems it is not really a trailerable boat to me.
I imagine an engine would be a bit helpful, huh?
At any rate, a great time as always,