[Rhodes22-list] mjm 9/11 thoughts

Rik Sandberg rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 15:04:33 -0500


Agree wholeheartedly with the 9/11 sentiments.

But a (maybe stupid) question; what is all that &#34 stuff about.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "brad haslett" <flybrad@yahoo.com>
To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 11:50 AM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] mjm 9/11 thoughts

> Michael, really good stuff.  I want to share a few of
> my own thoughts, stand on the soap box for a moment,
> and then think pleasant thoughts about sailing.
> I was sleeping on a layover in St. Louis when my wife
> called and said &#34;turn on the TV&#34;.  &#34;This
> better be good to wake me up!&#34; was my rather terse
> response.
> Crew scheduling called a few hours later and informed
> us we wouldn't be flying that night and didn't know
> when we might get back in the air.  Four of my
> company's crews and some other airline crews met for
> dinner and drinks (for the next two nights in a row). 
> Most of these guys were flyers in Desert Storm or
> Vietnam.  Some were in the reserves and were calling
> their units about possible &#34;call-ups&#34;.  A lot
> of the retired guys grumbled about not being eligible
> to fight again.  When day three rolled around we were
> told we may fly or not depending when the airspace
> opened up and whether we had any duty time left.  To a
> man we all said &#34;screw duty time limitations,
> we're going to move some jets and show the bastards
> they can't keep us grounded&#34;.
> Now here we are a year later, inspecting grandmothers
> for knitting needles and confiscating nail clippers
> from pilots.  The INS who let these creeps in the
> country is still dysfunctional and in control.  I pray
> that soon we come to our senses and realize that we
> have no choice but to identify those people and
> nations that don't like us, would like to kill us, and
> pursue then aggressively.
> Whatever one may think about 43, I personally think he
> did an outstanding job of keeping the country together
> during one of our worst national emergencies.  The
> liberal press is, well, the liberal press.  Despite
> how vaulted they think their position is they
> primarily exist in the TV medium to sell soap.
> I could go on for a year on this but won't.  Please
> everyone, enjoy your freedom as US citizens to sail
> your boat pretty much anywhere you want to. Just
> remember, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!
> Brad Haslett
> &#34;CoraShen&#34;
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