[Rhodes22-list] Labor Day Overnight

Steve Alm rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 01:44:45 -0500

Thanks Anne.  You said "nearly"...did you say you're now in a dry county?
Up here, as you'll recall, we have beautiful lakes AND liquor stores.  By
the way, when I mentioned "snacks" I was using the term loosely.  ;-)

>From the land of 10,000 bars.

On 9/5/02 10:41 PM, "anima" <anima@apex.net> wrote:

> Slim,
> Great Story! Sleeping on the boat is the very best thing in the whole world
> in my book! Coffee and Breakfast is even better!
> Glad you had a great time. Nearly makes me homesick for MN!
> Anne
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