[Rhodes22-list] Annapolis

Michael Meltzer mjm@michaelmeltzer.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 14:22:24 -0400

I will be their with my wife and maybe the youngest, I think the older 2 will be spending the day with their cousins.

As far as the boat show itself, GB is their to sell boats, so it fine to visit the boat but try not to take up onboard time or
stans/elton time so their can sell people. if someone bypasses the boat because owners are on it or unable to talk to Stan because
people are tying up their time(or it looks like their is a "line" or to crowded, or no room on board), they losses sales. They are
to much a genetlament to say anything. On the other hand I been on the floor while someone checking out the rudder/hull/motor mount
and told them how great the boat is, they like hearing from a owners. You have to play it by ear and use common since and watch out
for the prime time hours.

The problem with doing something is it might be 10-20 people without trying, but I into what ever the group wants.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Schultz" <BenS@ApproSystems.com>
To: "Rhodes List (E-mail)" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Annapolis

> I've seen posts over the past month indicating that some of us are planning
> to go to Annapolis for the boat show.  Is anyone planning to get together?
> I'm really looking forward to meeting fellow Rhodies.  Amazingly, I have
> never met another Rhodes owner, even though I feel like I know several.
> I am willing to do any organizing or planning tasks.  Being a boat-show
> rookie, I'll need some advice.  Is there a good watering hole in town where
> we can meet?  Are there any activities or events at the show that I
> shouldn't miss?  Is the correct protocal to stay out of Stan's way, or to
> offer (honest) testimonial about how much we love our Rhodes?
> Thank for your input.
> Ben
> R22 Velvet Elvis
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