[Rhodes22-list] Rhodes Owners List.
John Tonjes
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 13:49:23 -0500
Once again I am offering Rhodes owners the opportunity to join the
Rhodes Owners List. I keep this list of owners strictly for social
porpoises and it will not be given out nor sold for commercial
porpoises. In order to join the list, you must be an owner of a Rhodes
design hull.
Please send me your name(s), address, phone(s), Admiral's name, boat
name, hull id# (for archives) and port you sail out of. There are
currently more than 130 registered owners on the list.
Once your information has been entered on the list, you must wait for
thirty (30) days before you can request a copy of the list. This is so
we can do a complete background check, including, but not limited to:
FBI, CIA, INS, CID and don't forget the IRS. We just want to make sure
that only the cream of the crop are allowed on this list.
Please send me your information directly so others on the lists won't
be bored with your trivial information.