[Rhodes22-list] 1973 R22
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 21:21:39 -0500
My day off today started gloomy and drizzly.
Nevertheless, I started in on the garage which
has been neglected for two sailing seasons.
Was a nightmare, but got that and more gardening
What would one do now? Now that it is only 12noon
and the sun is peeking through?
"Clean" the boat! After brief cleaning, It was check the
engine task....pull starts first time! Off into the light
wind and surprising 70 degrees! We were promised 50!
What a great day off. there is a festival in the town of
our office, so no one could get to the office.
Consequently, I am off the Monday after the time
change. What a deal, huh?
Cleaned my car when I got home!
Lots of daylight.