[Rhodes22-list] 1973 R22

Mary Lou Troy mltroy@netreach.net
Tue, 08 Apr 2003 08:57:34 -0400

Welcome aboard and congrats on your new (old) boat. As Anne said hull 
numbers are on the starboard side of the transom though I'm not sure if the 
earliest ones had them there or were GBX. Someone else with a boat of that 
vintage will have to help out there.

If you have the only R22 out there with a well for the outboard, someone 
posted pictures of it about 4 or 5 years ago. I think the boat was on Long 
Island. I looked all over in my archives and on the web and can't find 
them. They might have been on a defunct Photopoint website. If there is 
anyone here who has kept every pic of a R22 ever posted check your files.

As to whether your boat is a real R22, I suspect it is (numbers should 
tell). Evidently there was at least 1 instance of another builder copying 
the R22 design in the 70s. My understanding is that a few boats were built 
- lawsuits or threats of lawsuits ensued and the offending party ceased 
making the boats. There may be a few of these boats out there so not 
everything that looks like an R22 is an R22. However, from your description 
of the equipment, I'll bet yours is a modified R22.

The only thing I know about boats with outboard wells is that the wells 
cause quite a bit of drag, especially if the outboard can't be lifted up. 
You might want to try her with the outboard in the well this season and 
once you are used to her grab a sail on a R22 without the well and see what 
you think.

Mary Lou
1991 R22 Fretless
Ft. Washington, PA / Swan Creek, MD

At 12:24 AM 4/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Okay you got it out of your system?,,,,,,
>where do I find the hull numbers?     yours truely Frank
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