[Rhodes22-list] Kentucky Lake Distance Race: the FULL MOON CHALLENGE
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 06:02:59 -0500
Kentucky Lake Spring Distance Race
(Approximately 85 miles)
The Kentucky Lake Spring Distance Race is a nvigational and sailing competition that begins at the Kentucky Dam at Grand Rivers, KY and traverses along the Land Between the Lakes, under the Eggners Ferry Bridge. The turning point is near the bridge at the State Park in Paris Landing, TN. Participating sailing vessels must have a cabin and lights.
Official registration and check-in will be at 1800-2100 hours during the social on Friday, May 16th at the Lighthouse Landing Marina deck. Late Registration will be accepted until 0750 hours on Saturday, May 17, 2003.
Join us for this sailing and navigational challenge under a full moon at a time of the year for weather comfort! (In the past this race was held earlier in the season, but we have moved the date for more enjoyable racing.)
Kentucky Lake Spring Distance Race is sponsored by Lighthouse Landing Marina (http://www.lighthouselanding.com) and the Kentucky Lake Sailing Club (http://www.klsc.net). The folks at Lighthouse Landing Marina originated this historical race and have been a longtime sponsor of the event. Cottages, some with hot tubs, are available through the marina.
For more information about navigation and rules for this challenging inland race go to (http://www.orgsites.com/ky/klsc/_pgg4.php3).