[Rhodes22-list] What New Boat Photos?

Kroposki kroposki at innova.net
Sun Apr 13 09:49:13 EDT 2003

Is it official that we no longer can get pictures on the rhodes22 org
list?  You guys keep talking about pictures?  Huh! I have not seen any
pictures!  Are you sending off line?  What is up?  When you wake up
Michael, cue us in. Mark do you know what is happening?
	Ah!  Brad a picture is of this yacht would be nice see.  
			Ed K  

-----Original Message-----
From: brad haslett [mailto:flybrad at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 7:37 AM
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] New Boat Photos

Got it.  The photos get stripped when you reply but
not when you originate the e-mail.  Is this something
you were supposed to learn in the first grade?  Second
try, here we go.  Brad

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