oops Re: [Rhodes22-list] Chesapeake - Eastern Bay
Peter Thorn
pthorn at nc.rr.com
Tue Aug 12 22:56:45 EDT 2003
Mary Lou,
Thanks for responding and the useful information. Our Starwind 19 is S/V
"Kate", sail number 821. We will be in proximity of a MacGregor 26x, cousin
Tom's new boat. Saturday is our travel/rigging/unwinding day. On Sunday
morning we will depart the West River for parts unknown, so I expect we may
connect. We would like to meet you, if at all possible.
We are the contract purchasers of Captain Richard Hardt's 1984 Rhodes 22.
Stan has ordered a trailer for us, but it will be early October before we
get the Rhodes back to Chapel Hill, NC.
Cruising is new to Tana and me, but I have been one-design racing my Tanzer
16 since 1981. My Tanzer was built in 1979 in the shed now occupied by
General Boats, the old Edenton, NC Tanzer plant. This weekend, it's a club
race at Kerr Lake. Next weekend, it's the National Championship near
Wilmington, then the following Labor Day weekend it's on to the Chesapeake
with Tana -- it's going to be a bad month for chores around the house.
Do you have a VHF? What channel should we monitor? I don't know diddly
about radio stuff..
Fair winds,
Pete Thorn
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Lou Troy" <mltroy at netreach.net>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:38 PM
Subject: oops Re: [Rhodes22-list] Chesapeake - Eastern Bay
> Here I am answering my own email. How the heck did I confuse Eastern Bay
> and the Choptank? They're about the same shape on the chart but that's no
> excuse.
> Peter, on Sunday we are headed from Galesville to the Choptank through
> Knapps Narrows so our paths may still cross. Does your Starwind have a
> name? We'll keep a lookout.
> As far as Eastern Bay is concerned most of our exploring in that area has
> been on the Miles. I can highly recommend the creeks on East branch of the
> Wye River as nice anchorages. We really like Granary Creek where you can
> ashore in the Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area. I highly
> recommend St. Michaels if you've never been there. If you have, you might
> want to postpone a return visit to non-holiday weekend. Leeds Creek across
> from St. Michaels has some nice anchorages as well. We have friends who
> have anchored in Tilghman Creek and have nice things to say about it but
> it's on our list - we've never been there.
> In any even have a great weekend.
> Mary Lou
> At 08:48 AM 8/12/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >Peter (and anyone else in the upper middle Chesapeake),
> >We hope to be down that way with the Swan Creek Sailing Association on
> >Labor Day week cruise. The itinerary will be :
> >Sat 8/30 Rock Hall to Galesville - anchor or tie up at Hartge's
> >Sun. 8/31, Mon 8/1 Knapps Narrows Marina, Tilghman (my understanding is
> >that there is a big powerboat party at Harrison's so they tie up at
> >to watch the parade of powerboaters showing off their all. We might have
> >enough of the parade early and head off for an anchorage near Oxford for
> >Monday night)
> >Tues. 8/2, Wed. 8/3 Oxford - Crockett/Hinckley or anchor along the Strand
> >Thurs 8/4, Fri. 8/4 Herring Bay, Deale, Shipwright Harbor
> >Sat. 9/6 Annapolis
> >Sun. 9/7 back to Rock Hall
> >
> >This is a loose itinerary and a friendly, partying group so give us a
> >(Fretless) if you are anywhere near any of these places or keep an eye
> >(white hull, Fretless in blue letters, navy bimini and UV strip on the
> >furler, red white and blue UPS if the winds are right). If the weather
> >good I would expect the traffic through Knapps to be high and most of the
> >highest rated anchorages to be crowded. With your shallow draft boats you
> >probably won't have problems finding a spot. I would expect places like
> >Dun Cove to be really crowded. The last time we anchored out on Labor Day
> >weekend we counted nearly 80 boats in an anchorage where we usually see
> >20. We had a good time anyway, just don't expect solitude.
> >
> >Mary Lou (& Fred)
> >1991 R22 Fretless
> >Swan Creek, MD / Ft. Washington, PA
> >
> >
> >At 09:05 PM 8/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >>Tana and I will be on the Chesapeake from August 31 to Sept 2. We're
> >>putting in at Casa Rio, Mayo, West River and will sail east and explore
> >>Eastern Bay, and would welcome contact with any sociable Rhodies. We've
> >>never been there, so any suggestions or advice about places to see (or
> >>avoid) over Labor Day, good anchorages, etc. would also be very
> >>welcome. We haven't taken possession of the R22 yet, so our fleet
> >>consists of our Starwind 19 (sail #821) and a Mac26x - cousin Tom from
> >>Bay Shore, Long Island.
> >>
> >>I too will miss Bill Berner. Just last night, I read "Bill and Carol's
> >>Excellent Sailing Adventure" to Tana. Bill, I feel that I know you and
> >>will miss you - good luck with your next boat!
> >>
> >>
> >>__________________________________________________
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> >
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