[ham] Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics on the list. my .01
Steve Alm
salm at mn.rr.com
Wed Dec 3 19:04:38 EST 2003
I second what Rik and others have said and want to add one thing: If you
don't like it here, leave. If you leave but still need R22 info, feel free
to contact any of us "back channel." But if you want to stay...and bitch,
that's fine too. There have been many heated discussions here and not many
of us are shy about that. Ain't free speech great?
On 12/3/03 6:02 PM, "Rik Sanberg" <sanderico at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Fred,
> This list was pretty much what it is now when I joined it a little over
> four years ago. I have made some pretty good friends through this list.
> Sometimes we chat when there's nothing else going on. I don't find the
> topics we discuss boring, that's why I'm still here. I do though find a
> lack of discussion boring and if you go over to the sailnet list you will
> probably find there is not much good reason to be there. We got away from
> sailnet because we got tired of being told what we could talk about and it
> sure shows in the activity on that list. There basically is none. My
> recommendation to you, being we are making recommendations, is to go join
> the sailnet list if you like folks telling you what you have to talk about
> and then, talking to no one.
> It was mostly MJM's doing with some help from a few others that made this
> list. We made it the way we wanted it. I don't think we're likely to change
> it just 'cause you showed up. If you don't like it here, like you say there
> are certainly plenty of other lists for you to join and complain about.
> If you have a boat related question to ask, then why don't you ask it, if
> it is truly your desire to discuss boat related topics. I find that what we
> are talking about now has very little to do with boats and you seem to be
> the driving force behind this thread. Perhaps you hadn't noticed the
> gentleman that just asked the question about making his boat point better.
> He got a dozen or better, very helpful replies in darn short order. That's
> how it's done here, you ask for help and someone, perhaps many, provide it.
> Want to talk boats?? Try talking about boats instead of topics.
> Rik Sandberg
> On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:45:13 EST, <FredkLange at aol.com> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> The point is, there would be more than 100 members if people were not
>> turned away by having their politics, gender, race, religion, etc.,
>> disparaged.
>> Rik,
>> I'm amazed you would join a list about something you find boring. If you
>> want to discuss other things, join other lists.
>> Bill,
>> You offer hope that we can improve the charter democratically. How
>> should we go about it?
>> Todd,
>> I'm not trying to discredit MJM's contribution, just trying to improve it-
>> -no more bad jokes or misspelled words.
>> Fred
>> In a message dated 12/2/03 11:46:10 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> rhodes2282 at yahoo.com writes:
>>> Good one, Rik:-) Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Your right on the
>>> money here. Beside, I have gotten
>>> use to hearing Roger scouting trip, Rummy-I talked to
>>> him about everything &Michael &I have been toushing
>>> cannon balls back &forth since the beginning of this
>>> list. I remember when the list first got started;
>>> there were only a handful of us on the list. It sure
>>> was boring till it finally built up to around 100
>>> members. Now we have a little community. The list is
>>> good the way we have it. And like you said, if
>>> someone has a question; someone will come up with the
>>> answer. Believe me; we have talked about it all!!!!
>>> Steve
>>> --- Rik Sandberg <sanderico at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>> To all on the list,
>>>> The thing I find most interesting about these on/off
>>>> topic discussions is: >Those that are constantly complaining about the
>>>> topic, very rarely post a >boating question. If we all sat around
>>> waiting for
>>>> most of these folks to say >something, there would be nothing here but
>>>> emptiness. AND no point in coming >here.
>>>> So, all you "topic police", if you want someone to
>>>> be here to answer your >questions when you finally come up with one,
>>> you
>>>> might consider not asking >that all the veteran owner/sailors be bored
>>> to tears
>>>> while they wait. If you >are going to insist on the boredom, soon there
>>> will
>>>> be no one here to help >you.
>>>> If you have a boating question, then post it.
>>>> Everyone here is more than >happy to talk about boats and will help
>>> however they
>>>> can if someone will just >post the question. But, it seems you very
>>> rarely
>>>> hear from the "topic police" >except when they decide it's time to
>>> bitch about the
>>>> topics. Then it seems >they have lots to say. I wonder, are topic
>>>> discussions considered "boat >related"???
>>>> Rik
>>>> On 12/01/2003 01:17 pm, you wrote:
>>>>> Todd,
>>>>> While agreeing with much of what you had to say,
>>>> you should be aware that
>>>>> when the charter was adopted it was done extremely
>>>> democratically. There
>>>>> were probably 100+ of us on the list at the time,
>>>> and we worked quite hard
>>>>> on the charter. Michael did not impose it, and
>>>> has accepted every
>>>>> modification.
>>>>> Fred,
>>>>> While agreeing with much of what you had to say,
>>>> and having taken a similar
>>>>> position in the past, I think it has become
>>>> obvious over time that the only
>>>>> way to hold the attention of the experienced list
>>>> members who provide most
>>>>> of the answers is to allow them to chat off-topic.
>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: Todd Tavares
>>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:53 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [ham] Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics on
>>>> the list. my .01
>>>>> Fred,
>>>>> I am probably way out of my place here, but
>>>> being on the receiving end
>>>>> of MJM's wrath, all the while ignorant of the
>>>> content and make up of this
>>>>> list here; This is basically Michael's list (and
>>>> others). We exist here
>>>>> because of the time, patience, energy, and money
>>>> Micheal (and a few
>>>>> others?)spend to administrate this list-serv.
>>>>> Michael has a life and a family, and probably
>>>> much more imortant things
>>>>> to do with his time. He choses to run this list
>>>> server for his and all of
>>>>> our pleasure and enjoyment. Michael has given me
>>>> the "take you computer
>>>>> and go down the road speech" before; and that's
>>>> putting it mildly. While
>>>>> this list does have a charter, it is still the
>>>> creation of MJM and not a
>>>>> democracy. If MJM has the stomach to put up with
>>>> my nonsense, then he (and
>>>>> all here) have the patience of saints.
>>>>> So as far as the procedures for adopting,
>>>> recalling and amending the
>>>>> charter? I don't thinks Robert's Rules apply
>>>> here, but i may be wrong :-)
>>>>> Thanks All,
>>>>> Todd
>>>>> Not a sermon.....just a thought.
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