[Rhodes22-list] 2003 Polar Bear Winter Camping Trip
Robert Quinn
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 18:06:10 -0600
Roger: Again my hat is off to you. Makes my camping with the scouts in
Hawaii pale in comparison.
Bob on the "NoKaOi"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Pihlaja" <cen09402@centurytel.net>
To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] 2003 Polar Bear Winter Camping Trip
Hi Everybody,
Well, I just got back from our annual Polar Bear Winter Camping Trip. This
year, we went up to Six Pines Ranch in Farwell, MI. Farwell, is about 40
minutes west of my house in Sanford, MI. We had 16 Scouts & 4 adult leaders
along. Farwell had about 4" of snow on the ground, which is not enough to
build snow shelters. So, we packed in all our gear & stayed in backpacking
tents on top of the snow.
The big activity on Saturday afternoon was horseback riding. Brenda Acklin,
one of the adult leaders in my Scout troop, is friends with the owner of Six
Pines Ranch. The owner gave us a really good deal on the trail rides &
invited us to camp overnight on his land.
Everybody got their fill of horseback riding. Dinner on Saturday night was
a potluck venison stew. Mr. Woodgate contributed the venison & the rest of
us packed in the potatoes & other veggies. The owner & his family joined us
for dinner. The stew was really good.
Saturday afternoon was cloudy, not too cold at about 27 deg F, but with a
10 -15 mph wind blowing. The forecast called for 1 - 3" of snow overnight,
but the storm missed us. Instead, about midnight, the sky cleared off & the
temperature plummeted. Sunday morning dawned bright & clear, but cold,
about 4 deg F. The wind was still blowing, so the wind chill was quite
nasty. I was OK with a ski mask & goggles, but I felt sorry for some of the
Scouts that were unprepared.
The Scouts played a rather rough game of Capture The Flag after it got dark.
There's lots of "stuff" to trip over in the dark in a horse pasture, but
plenty of room to run around. By about 9:00 or 10:00 PM, most of them had
had enough & were in their tents. I cinched my goose down mummy bag up
until there was nothing showing but a "blow hole" & didn't know anything
until about 4:00 AM.
Brenda came down with a touch of the flu overnight, probably not helped by
the bitter cold. She woke up early Sunday morning nauseous & with a fever.
Mr. Woodgate took her home. Fortunately, we had an older Scout with his
driver's license to drive Mrs. Acklin's minivan home. After the sun came
up, we built a fire, had breakfast, broke camp, came home. We all managed
to squeeze into 3 vehicles when we'd arrived in 4.
Except for Brenda, the rest of the troop made it thru the night pretty well.
This was their 1st Polar Bear for 4 of the Scouts.
Roger Pihlaja
S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
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