[Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port + SingleHandedDocking

Steve Alm salm@mn.rr.com
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 15:25:29 -0600

I'll add to Roger's ideas to slow the boat down.  On occasion, we throw a
large bucket tied to the stern into the water and it acts like a sea anchor.
This slows the boat down considerably and works well when the wind is
astern.  Tugging on the bucket line slows you down even more.

On 1/14/03 10:53 AM, "Roger Pihlaja" <cen09402@centurytel.net> wrote:

> David,
> Yeah, too much boat speed @ idle is a problem for the 9.9 hp outboards.  I
> have a Honda 8 on Dynamic Equilibrium & it too idles along faster than I
> would prefer.  These engines are really too much motor & prop for the
> application.  But, the extra power is really nice when the weather is bad.
> Do you have a folding boarding ladder built into your transom?  If so, try
> letting it trail behind you in the water.  You will be surprised how much
> drag a couple of ladder steps in the water will produce.  Note that this is
> also a good technique to slow the boat down while sailing, say to stay in
> touch with a slower boat in other to have a conversation W/O dropping sail.
> I have a friend with a MacGregor 25 & I must drag both my boarding ladder &
> my outboard's lower unit in the water in order for me to stay even with
> him - really pisses him off!
> Otherwise, you have already found the prefered technique.  Shift into
> neutral when the boat is gathering too much speed & let it coast along,
> steering with the rudder.  Shift back into forward gear before the boat
> slows down too much so that you do not lose steering control.  Just remember
> that engaging forward gear during the port turn is going to work against the
> turn.  It would probably be better to have sufficient initial speed to coast
> thru the turn, engaging the engine upon completion of the turn.
> Please let me know how my suggestions work out for you.
> I hope you get your Yamaha 9.9 back from the shop soon.
> Good Luck!
> Roger Pihlaja
> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Keyes, David" <dkeyes@velaw.com>
> To: "'The Rhodes 22 mail list'" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 12:38 PM
> Subject: RE: [Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port +
> SingleHandedDocking
>> Thanks, again!  Your answers are always excellent.  You have been
>> unbelievably helpful and instructive, with great experience.
>> Once I get my motor operative (with some solution to getting a motor
> handle)
>> and some repairs finished--this is a good time also to haul the boat and
>> check and probably repaint the bottom--I will let you know how some of
> this
>> works for me.  Clearly, the procedures other than dock lines call for
>> practice out in open waters.  Otherwise, the prospect is daunting of
> briskly
>> heading down the "alley" between the two lines of docked boats and getting
>> to the turning point at, say, 3 knots, with the rocks about two or three
>> boat lengths ahead and not many "second chances" if I find myself coming
>> straight at something in front having turned to port into the wrong place
> or
>> swinging the stern wide into the opposite line of boats while attempting a
>> sharp swing with the motor in reverse at full lock position opposite the
>> tiller direction.  Perhaps instead of going down the alley 2/3 to 3/4 of
> the
>> way over towards the dock to starboard, to create a wider area for the
> port
>> turn, I will come in right down the middle or no more than 2/3 of the way
>> over towards the boats that will be at my stern during the port turn.
> I'll
>> get a better idea for this in practice.
>> Speaking of approaching the turn at about three knots (or some other rate
> of
>> speed to make the turn successful using your technique), in light weather
> I
>> have found that the idle speed on the Yamaha 9.9 is too fast for simply
>> going down the alley between the long lines of boats and turning 90
> degrees
>> to port (not having learned about your technique).  So what I have been
>> doing where wind is not a factor or is coming from a favorable direction
>> (given the absence of currents), is (once in the alley between the boats)
>> putting the motor at forward idle for a moment, then coasting in neutral
>> until the boat is going so slowly that it is about to lose its forward
>> momentum entirely with the loss of steering control, and then re-engaging
>> the motor at forward idle momentarily, and so on, until I am very, very
>> slowly approaching the slip and going through the turn.  A short
> engagement
>> of the motor at forward idle in the middle of the turn might help to
>> complete it; rarely is reverse called for, but sometimes.  Usually, I am
>> able to stop the boat right in the slip without bumping into anything in
>> these easy conditions--but sometimes the results are okay but not great.
> So
>> I will also practice to see if your suggested method is also helpful in
> easy
>> weather conditions, or whether it is primarily a tool for the challenging
>> conditions we have been talking about.  In any event, using your single
> dock
>> line technique may be helpful irrespective of motor and steering
> techniques.
>> David Keyes
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Roger Pihlaja [mailto:cen09402@centurytel.net]
>> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:12 AM
>> To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port +
>> SingleHandedDocking
>> David,
>> You're very welcome!  I've added my responses to your questions down below
>> in the text of your document.
>> Roger Pihlaja
>> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Keyes" <dkeyes@houston.rr.com>
>> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
>> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 9:48 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port +
>> SingleHandedDocking
>>> Thanks, Roger.  That was a great answer.  There was a lot in there that
> I
>>> didn't know.  I have printed your explanation and will keep it for
>> reference
>>> and as a reminder.  (I ought to paste it inside the cover of my college
>>> physics book! :))
>>> In your last paragraph, you say (in regard to making a tight turn to
> port
>> in
>>> limited space with brisk wind astern):
>>>> But, if we put the engine into reverse, turn it to full lock in the
>>> opposite
>>>> direction, & now apply full throttle; everything is different.  With
>>> reverse
>>>> thrust, the port offset engine location is tending to assist a port
>> turn.
>>>> Full reverse throttle will tend to slow the boat down, not speed it
> up.
>>> So,
>>>> you get up a good velocity before starting the turn, use the reverse
>>> engine
>>>> thrust to spin you around + burn off your speed.  With a little
>> practice,
>>>> you will find you can pull a sharp 90 deg turn to port  . . .
>>> Is this what you were referring to in an earlier email when you
>> recommended
>>> de-linking the motor and tiller, pushing the boat tiller hard to
> starboard
>>> (for a port turn) and putting the motor in reverse with its tiller hard
> to
>>> port (i.e., the opposite direction)? (This would be after verifying that
>> the
>>> rudder, all the way down, will not hit the prop of the motor.)
>> This is exactly correct!
>>> If the previous paragraph is correct, then I will have to think about
> how
>> to
>>> do this with Stan's Yamaha 9.9 linked motor arrangement.  The motor can
>>> easily be de-linked, but the motor does not have its own handle for
>> steering
>>> and forcing it over with one's hand on top of the cowl seems awkward and
>>> unsafe.
>> As you can probably tell by now, I'm not a big proponent of GBI's linked
>> rudder/motor arrangement.  It tends to limit the skipper's ability to use
>> the motor & rudder to their individual best advantages.  As you can see
> from
>> the situation we have been discussing, syncronized rudder & motor movement
>> is not always the right answer.  It usually is, but not always, & the
>> exceptions to the rule can be fairly critical situations.
>> You are quite correct in that you need a good handle on the motor in this
>> situation.  You need to be able to turn the motor smartly over not only at
>> the beginning of the turn, but also at the end of the turn.  This is
> because
>> you may need the motor in the normal position for minor maneuvering as you
>> move toward & into your slip after the turn.  Perhaps your Yamaha dealer
>> could supply you with the pieces/parts to put the motor tiller back into
>> place?  You wouldn't need all the pieces/parts for the throttle twist
> grip,
>> the throttle U-joint at the base of the tiller, kill switch, etc - just
> the
>> basic tiller arm casting.  So, it probably wouldn't be too expensive.
>> Another possibility would be to build your own motor tiller.  Possibly a
>> simple piece of wood could be thru-bolted to the top of the motor cowling
> to
>> serve as a tiller?
>>> What do you think of the other recent suggestions on the list to (i)
> keep
>>> the rudder horizontal (above the motor prop) during the docking maneuver
>> and
>> Your R-22 may be set up differently than Dynamic Equilibrium.  But, my
>> rudder blade will interfere with the prop at full lock if the rudder blade
>> is fully raised.
>> In light air, I can scull the boat forward slowly with the raised rudder
>> blade & tiller.  I can even turn reasonably well in either direction.
>> However, I find the feel of the helm gets very heavy & sluggish while
>> motoring with the rudder blade raised.  I doubt it would work very well in
>> the heavy air situation we have been discussing.  But, by all means, go
> out
>> & experiment for yourself on your own boat.
>> WARNING: Never try to back up with the rudder blade raised.  The forces
>> which will be put on the rudder blade will cause it slam over to one side
> or
>> the other.  Even if you are holding onto the tiller, the forces could rip
> it
>> right out of your hand!  This could damage the grudgeons & pintles, the
>> rudder head, transom, & tiller.  You could also slam the rudder blade over
>> into the prop, thus damaging both.
>>> (ii) keep the board down?
>> Here's a reprint of the answer I gave to Saroj on Friday, January 10,
> 2003,
>> @ 10:25 AM re this subject:
>> The boat always turns around the hull's Center of Lateral Resistance (CR
> for
>> short).  The CR on an R-22 is located on the boat's centerline usually
> just
>> slightly aft of the mast.  So yes, in effect, the boat seems to pivot on
> its
>> centerboard!
>> I've never experimented with the effect of having the centerboard up vs.
>> down while doing this manuever.  In the crowded confines where such a
>> manuever is usually necessary, I've always had the centerboard up.
> However,
>> if the water were sufficiently deep to permit the centerboard to be left
>> down, I suspect the boat would turn even faster because the increased deep
>> draft wetted surface area would prevent side slippage while permitting
>> rotation.  Having the centerboard down would probably cause the boat to
> heel
>> more during the turn, thus heightening the excitment of the moment.
>> As long as the boat doesn't heel so much during the turn that the prop is
>> lifted near the surface of the water & cavitates, having the centerboard
>> down should assist with either a port or starboard turn.
>> I also warned Saroj to kneel on the cockpit seat & hang onto something.
> Are
>> you starting to get a feel for how fast the boat can turn to port during
>> this maneuver?
>> I can see how a horizontal rudder (as long as
>>> water chop doesn't have the rudder out of the water) would give more
>>> steering torque.  As to the board down, I would have thought that this
>> would
>>> be an extra force for the rudder/motor to have to contend with, but
> maybe
>>> instead the board acts as a pivot to make turning easier.
>>> David Keyes
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Roger Pihlaja" <cen09402@centurytel.net>
>>> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 7:44 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port + Single
>>> HandedDocking
>>>> David,
>>>> I pasted your questions in below & added my comments:
>>>> "Interestingly, much larger sailboats in the larger slips opposite me
>> (the
>>>> ones I back toward as I back out of my slip) seem to have no problem,
> at
>>>> least when I seen them come and go on normal days.  One skipper with
> two
>>>> small sons repeatedly brings his 35-foot sailboat to a dead stop
>> centered
>>> in
>>>> his slip with no lines whatsoever.  The only differences I can see
> are:"
>>>> "(i)they are headed towards a larger opening"
>>>> The degree of difficulty (DoD) of entering a given slip can be thought
>> of
>>> in
>>>> terms of the ratio of the
>>>> slip width/max boat beam.  If your slip is only 10' wide & your R-22
> has
>>> an
>>>> 8' beam; then, your
>>>> DoD = 10/8 = 1.25   That 35' LOA sailboat probably has a 12' beam.  If
>> his
>>>> slip is 50% wider than yours,
>>>> or 15'; then your friend faces a challenge of: DoD = 15/12 = 1.25 or
>>>> proportionately the same as you.  On the Great Lakes, where boats tend
>> to
>>> be
>>>> larger, slips in recreational marinas are rarely more than 20' wide.
> I
>>> know
>>>> this max slip dimension from sailing on my friend's 42' sailing
>> catamaran,
>>>> which has a 23' beam - we anchor out a lot.  But, on a small inland
> lake
>>>> like yours, a 15' wide slip wouldn't surprise me, especially if the
> rest
>>> of
>>>> the marina is laid out small & cramped as per your description.
>>>> "(ii) they are turning to starboard, if that makes any difference--is
>> that
>>>> what people talk about when they refer
>>>> to a right-hand prop?"
>>>> Prop side thrust or "prop walk" is caused because the prop is
> operating
>> in
>>>> water that is less dense on the top of the prop vs. the bottom of the
>> prop
>>>> because of the weight of the water above the prop. A right handed prop
>> has
>>>> the blades arranged such that; when viewed from astern, the prop
> rotates
>>>> clockwise when generating forward thrust.  The density difference of
> the
>>>> water across the vertical diameter of the prop causes a side thrust to
>> be
>>>> created.  In the case of a right handed prop, this side thrust is
>> directed
>>>> to starboard.  A side thrust to starboard at the stern of the boat
>> causes
>>>> the stern of the boat to be pushed to starboard.  Pushing the stern to
>>>> starboard causes the boat to rotate about its CR in a counterclockwise
>>>> direction - in other words it turns to port.  Large diameter, slow
>> turning
>>>> props tend to produce proportionately more side thrust vs. small
>> diameter,
>>>> fast turning props.  For a left handed prop, all of the above
> arguments
>>> are
>>>> reversed.  In reverse gear, the right handed prop turns
>> counterclockwise,
>>>> the stern of the boat is pushed to port, & the boat tends to turn to
>>>> starboard.
>>>> "(iii) their prop is inboard and at the centerline of their boat,
> giving
>>>> better steering control."
>>>> On an R-22, having the prop mounted to port of the boat's centerline
>>>> generates a torque about the CR in forward gear that tends to rotate
> the
>>>> boat in a clockwise direction.  In other words, in forward gear, the
>> port
>>>> offset location of the prop tends to make the boat turn to starboard.
>> In
>>>> reverse gear, the offset thrust tends to make the boat turn to port.
>> Note
>>>> that this has nothing to do with whether the prop is right handed or
>> left
>>>> handed.  This phenomenon is simply a side-effect of mounting the prop
>> off
>>>> the boat's centerline.
>>>> So why is it so hard to turn sharply to port with a strong wind from
>>> astern?
>>>> Well, the hull presents much less surface area to the wind when it is
>>>> oriented stern-on vs. side-on to the wind.  So, energy is required to
>> turn
>>>> the hull from stern to the wind around to side to the wind.  Energy is
>>> also
>>>> required to hold the hull in the side to the wind orientation as the
>> wind
>>>> tends to rotate the hull back to the stern to the wind orientation.
>> Where
>>>> does this energy come from?  There are two potential sources, the
>> kinetic
>>>> energy of the boat itself & from the motor.  In a crowded marina
>>> situation,
>>>> the boat is going to be moving slowly.  So, you don't have very much
>>> kinetic
>>>> energy to start off with.  But, suppose you start the turn anyway?  As
>> the
>>>> boat turns, the viscous drag of the hull in the water + the windage
> work
>>>> together to use up your kinetic energy.  You will likely end up turned
>>>> side-to-the-wind, but stopped dead in the water.  When the water stops
>>>> flowing across the rudder blade, it stops generating any steering
>> forces.
>>>> The wind keeps blowing.  The boat is blown out of control back
> downwind
>> &
>>>> tends to rotate back to the stern-to-the-wind orientation!  So far,
>> these
>>>> effects are pretty much the same for a port or a starboard turn.  OK,
>>>> suppose we add some power from the port offset mounted prop?  In
> forward
>>>> gear, even with the motor turned full lock to help the port turn, a
>>>> substantial fraction of the thrust is acting against the turn.  This
> is
>>> the
>>>> difference between a port turn & a starboard turn.  You can't use too
>> much
>>>> throttle because a substantial fraction of the thrust is also pushing
>> the
>>>> boat forward.  Using too much throttle will result in the boat
> finishing
>>> the
>>>> turn & entering the slip going much too fast.  Now, when you put the
>>> engine
>>>> into reverse & apply full throttle to stop, the prop side thrust tries
>> to
>>>> turn you back in the direction you came from.  Arggg!  Overall, this
>>>> technique simply has everything working against it.  It's a delicate
>>>> balancing act that requires good eye/hand coordination & a good sense
> of
>>>> speed & distance all performed in real time under stress with dire
>>>> consequences for failure!
>>>> But, if we put the engine into reverse, turn it to full lock in the
>>> opposite
>>>> direction, & now apply full throttle; everything is different.  With
>>> reverse
>>>> thrust, the port offset engine location is tending to assist a port
>> turn.
>>>> Full reverse throttle will tend to slow the boat down, not speed it
> up.
>>> So,
>>>> you get up a good velocity before starting the turn, use the reverse
>>> engine
>>>> thrust to spin you around + burn off your speed.  With a little
>> practice,
>>>> you will find you can pull a sharp 90 deg turn to port, finishing the
>> turn
>>>> with the bow at the entrance to your slip, with the boat moving slowly
>>>> forward at just the right speed for docking.  Then, you shift into
>>> neutral,
>>>> slip your single dock line over a piling or cleat, stop parallel to
> the
>>>> dock, quickly attach your bow line, & then your stern line.  Then,
>> briefly
>>>> stop to acknowledge the applause from your fellow boaters!  I know
> this
>>>> technique sounds radical, but I guarantee it really really works.
>>>> Roger Pihlaja
>>>> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "David Keyes" <dkeyes@houston.rr.com>
>>>> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 12:35 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port +
>>>> SingleHandedDocking
>>>>> Roger, I will try your single dock line.  But the challenge with a
>> brisk
>>>>> wind astern has been even to get that far (to where one is entering
>> the
>>>> slip
>>>>> between the finger piers), where you could get to the dock line.  I
>> have
>>>> to
>>>>> think about coming in close on my port side to the sterns of the
>> upwind,
>>>>> docked boats just before my slip and fetching the dock line for a
>> pivot
>>>> into
>>>>> the dock, but this couldn't work single-handed due to the protruding
>>>>> outboard motors of the other boats.  I have been coming down the
>> "alley"
>>>>> between the adjacent piers with my boat about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way
>>>> towards
>>>>> the opposite pier to allow for turning room but without my stern
>> getting
>>>> too
>>>>> close the the sterns of the boats to starboard as I make my turn to
>>> port.
>>>>> As to your question:  Of course the wind is not always that strong.
> I
>>>> have
>>>>> since found out, talking to the marina personnel and some other boat
>>>> owners,
>>>>> that (virtually) no one goes out on days where there is a strong
>> onshore
>>>>> wind (northerly wind--we are on a southern shore), which would be
> rare
>>> in
>>>>> the summer but is common in the winter.  They don't go out because
> of
>>> the
>>>>> same problem of returning to docks.  But I am going to ask a few of
>> the
>>>>> owners who seem to use their boats frequently, year around.
>>>>> Even on the November day of my docking accident when mine may have
>> been
>>>> the
>>>>> only boat out, I and my crew of two thought we were successfully
>> turning
>>>>> into the slip without incident after a great sail when at the last
>>> instant
>>>> I
>>>>> decided that the wind had caught the bow so that it was going to be
>>> pushed
>>>>> too hard into the entering edge of the starboard finger pier.  I hit
>>>> reverse
>>>>> on the engine to soften the blow (and one crew member jumped onto
> the
>>> pier
>>>>> at that point) to try to push the boat off, when my motor jammed in
>>>> reverse
>>>>> and we went rocketing back into the boats in their slips behind me.
>> (It
>>>> was
>>>>> when I forced the gear shift into forward just missing a collision
>> with
>>>>> those boats but permanently jamming  the gear into forward).
>>>>>  Interestingly, much larger sailboats in the larger slips opposite
> me
>>> (the
>>>>> ones I back toward as I back out of my slip) seem to have no
> problem,
>> at
>>>>> least when I seen them come and go on normal days.  One skipper with
>> two
>>>>> small sons repeatedly brings his 35-foot sailboat to a dead stop
>>> centered
>>>> in
>>>>> his slip with no lines whatsoever.  The only differences I can see
> are
>>> (i)
>>>>> they are headed towards a larger opening, (ii) they are turning to
>>>> starboard
>>>>> if that makes any difference--is that what people talk about when
> they
>>>> refer
>>>>> to a right-hand prop?, and (iii) their prop is inboard and at the
>> center
>>>>> line of their boat, giving better steering control.
>>>>> Lastly, even on relatively calm days, the approach to the slip
>> requires
>>>>> skill, paying complete attention, good anticipation and decisions
> and
>>>>> sometimes a little luck.  Many years ago, I had boats at marinas in
>>> lakes
>>>>> and bays where this was not the case, within the limits of prudent
>>>>> seamanship.  For five years at one lake, I just sailed to the dock
>> with
>>> no
>>>>> motor at all (boats of 17 and 19 feet).  In Biscayne Bay in Miami, I
>>>> docked
>>>>> regularly a 34-foot motor sailer in many kinds of weather and never
>> any
>>>>> problem.  However, in the present case, for one thing, I usually
> have
>> to
>>>>> start my hard turn to port as if I were going to head into the
>> (already
>>>>> occupied) third slip out from me.  If one were driving a car doing
>> this
>>> on
>>>>> dry land, one would crash into the motor at the back of that boat.
> I
>>> have
>>>>> to "slide" out to starboard during the turn to actually come in,
>>>> hopefully,
>>>>> right in the middle of my slip without touching anything.
>> Surprisingly,
>>>>> this works at least half the time, and over the past 1-1/2 years
> until
>>>>> November, the rest of the time involved a bump into a fender or the
>>> like,
>>>> so
>>>>> no big deal--at worst a rubbing of the gel coat alongside the white
>>> rubber
>>>>> strip at the edge of the finger pier, or against the small turning
>> wheel
>>>> at
>>>>> the entrance to the port finger pier.  But there should be a way to
>> make
>>>>> this virtually 100% successful in all but emergency weather
> conditions
>>> and
>>>>> where you could even explain to a guest skipper what he or she needs
>> to
>>> do
>>>>> as the best technique for this particular slip.  My success rate had
>>> gone
>>>> up
>>>>> significantly after the first few months of owning the boat when I
>>> started
>>>>> the practice of, if needed,  momentarily engaging the engine in
>> forward
>>>>> during the turn, with the motor linked to the tiller.  Then, if I
>>> weren't
>>>>> going to complete the turn in time (i.e., coming in too far too
>>>> starboard),
>>>>> I would change the tiller/linked motor  steering direction bringing
>> the
>>>>> tiller hard to port and momentarily hitting reverse to straighten
> the
>>> boat
>>>>> out before proceeding (hopefully) straight into the slip.  This
>> appears
>>> to
>>>>> have been hard on the engine, as you said in an earlier email.
>>>>> Roger, I really like your earlier suggestions, which I quote below:
>>>>> "You might consider finding a different slip for next season. For
>>> example,
>>>> a
>>>>> slip right across from you would be better. A tight turn to
> starboard
>> in
>>>>> this situation is much easier than to port.
>>>>> "If it were my boat & I were being more cautious, I think I would
> pull
>>> up
>>>> to
>>>>> the end of the finger pier, port side to the pier. I would either
> put
>>> out
>>>>> fenders on the port side amidships or mount a suitable bumper on the
>>>> corner
>>>>> of my pier. I would loosely tie off amidships & use a bow line to
> warp
>>> the
>>>>> bow around into the slip. No muss - no fuss."
>>>>> There is not alot of room to do this at my slip, but it should be
>>>> feasible.
>>>>> The finger pier at the port is only one foot wide, and their is a
> long
>>>> boat
>>>>> with a motor protruding to port.  Likewise there is a boat and
>>> protruding
>>>>> motor on the starboard side of my slip (mine being the last full one
>>> with
>>>> a
>>>>> finger pier on both sides to make an enclosure), and which of course
>> one
>>>>> would not want to "warp around" outside the edge of the slip and
> into
>>> that
>>>>> motor.  The slip is 10 feet side.  So what you say should work with
> a
>>>>> practiced technique, and I am going to try it.  Using your single
> dock
>>>> line
>>>>> idea  in your article quoted below, this could also be the line that
> I
>>>> fetch
>>>>> at the end of the port finger pier.
>>>>> David Keyes
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Roger Pihlaja" <cen09402@centurytel.net>
>>>>> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 5:53 AM
>>>>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Combination Of Sharp Turn To Port + Single
>>>>> HandedDocking
>>>>>> Thank you Steve & Mark!  This was the article on single handed
>> docking
>>> I
>>>>> was
>>>>>> refering to.
>>>>>> So, David, what do you think?  Wouldn't executing a sharp 90 deg
>> turn
>>> to
>>>>>> port & throwing a single dock line over a piling or cleat on the
> end
>>> of
>>>>> your
>>>>>> finger pier be more graceful & less taxing on your equipment than
>> what
>>>> you
>>>>>> do now?
>>>>>> By the way, if your marina is so tight & the wind blows like you
>> say,
>>>> how
>>>>> do
>>>>>> the boats around you get into their slips?
>>>>>> Roger Pihlaja
>>>>>> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Steve Alm" <salm@mn.rr.com>
>>>>>> To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 5:41 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Single Handed Docking Article
>>>>>>> Here it is:
>>>>>>> All boats have a point along both sides, usually just aft of
>>>> amidships,
>>>>>>> wherein a single dock line will cause the boat to stop parallel
> to
>> a
>>>>> dock.
>>>>>>> To find this point, pick a place along the side.  It's helpful
> to
>>> use
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> sliding cars on the genoa tracks for this purpose.  Attach a
>> mooring
>>>>> line
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> this point & pull on it from behind.  If the bow pulls towards
> you
>>>>> faster
>>>>>>> than the stern, then slide the attachment point aft.  If the
> stern
>>> is
>>>>>>> favored, then move the attachment point forward.  When the boat
>>> crabs
>>>>>>> sideways towards you, then you have found the approximate sweet
>>> spot.
>>>>> The
>>>>>>> actual sweet spot will shift slightly when the boat has forward
>>>>> momentum.
>>>>>>> However, this approximate location will be sufficiently close to
>>> allow
>>>>> you
>>>>>>> to go out & try to pull up to a dock with a single line.  Try to
>>> stop
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> boat with a single mooring line using your approximate sweet
> spot.
>>> If
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> bow or stern tend to crab towards the dock faster, then adjust
> the
>>>>>> position
>>>>>>> of the line fore or aft as before & try again.  When you have
>> found
>>>> the
>>>>>>> correct location, you should at least mark it.  You may even
> wish
>> to
>>>>>> install
>>>>>>> permanent mooring cleats there port & starboard.
>>>>>>> With a single mooring line, simply motor up to the dock, slip
> your
>>>> loop
>>>>>> over
>>>>>>> the piling near the end of the dock, & shift into neutral.  The
>>>> mooring
>>>>>> line
>>>>>>> attached to the sweet spot will snub the boat's forward momentum
> &
>>> the
>>>>>> boat
>>>>>>> will almost magically "crab" sideways up against the dock.  This
>>>>> sideways
>>>>>>> crabbing involves a tremendous amount of drag, which uses up the
>>>> boat's
>>>>>>> forward momentum in a matter of inches, thus making it almost
>>>> impossible
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> hit the dock.  The boat will stop at a convenient distance away
>> from
>>>> the
>>>>>>> dock for you to go around attaching your bow & stern lines at
> your
>>>>>> leisure.
>>>>>>> Try this technique.  I guarantee it will make you look like a
> boat
>>>>>> handling
>>>>>>> genius!
>>>>>>> Roger Pihlaja
>>>>>>> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
>>>>>>> On 1/10/03 12:50 PM, "Roger Pihlaja" <cen09402@centurytel.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey Everyone,
>>>>>>>> Did anyone happen to save a copy of an article I wrote several
>>>> months
>>>>>> ago re a
>>>>>>>> foolproof single line docking procedure?  I can't find it in
> the
>>>>> SailNet
>>>>>>>> archives or on the FAQ page & I don't know how to search the
> new
>>>>>> archives.
>>>>>>>> I'd really rather not retype the whole thing if someone has a
>> copy
>>>>> they
>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> repost.
>>>>>>>> I'd like to forward it along to David Keyes.  The combination
> of
>>> the
>>>>>> technique
>>>>>>>> for making a sharp turn to port which I described in my
> previous
>>>> post
>>>>>> along
>>>>>>>> with this single line docking technique might work very well
> in
>>> his
>>>>>> situation.
>>>>>>>> Roger Pihlaja
>>>>>>>> S/V Dynamic Equilibrium
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