[Rhodes22-list] bolt rope or sail slides
Steve Alm
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 16:02:00 -0600
Yes, you can have the sliders installed on your sail. You'll have to send
your sail off to a sail loft to put in grommets just behind the bolt rope.
Then the sliders are just shackled in. When we made this retrofit on our
previous boat, I discovered that I needed some experimentation with
different sizes of sliders. Once I found the right size, the sail went up
and down very easily. Since this enabled us to leave the sail furled on the
mast, (also get a little slide stopper to prevent the sliders from dropping
all the way down and out the gate) we also had the sail loft make us a main
sail cover. With these improvements, we never had to take the main off and
stow it every time. It makes getting under way and putting the boat to bed
much quicker.
On 1/15/03 1:40 PM, "Robert Dilk" <Robert.Dilk@trw.com> wrote:
> dumb question time.
> If I have a mainsail with a bolt rope that threads up the mast slot. Can I
> change to sail slides for easier mainsail lowering? Would I want to? Or does
> the main have to be made for sail slides.
> thanks
> Bob
> Knot Necessary
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