[Rhodes22-list] Taxes & Politics
Wally Buck
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 18:41:56 -0500
I have no problem with political comments, if others do feel free to delete
my response now.
I must admit that I lean to the left on some things. I also must admit that
I lean to the right on other issues. However I can't say I follow the logic
in much of what you posted.
>a) 50,000,000 of us do not make enough to pay taxes no matter how hard we
>work - we are just not that smart.
The above is a cop out, many who make less than the poverty level are not
stupid, they either haven't had the bloodline, luck, health, or work ethic
to better their lot in life. I do admit that there are plenty of stupid
people though.
Cost of education rises. (That is a very costly error - the free
>GI educational bill of WW 2 got the US economy roaring).
While this might be true how would this effect the 50 million who are
described above as too stupid to begin with? If as the post claims they are
too stupid to start with, what difference would a cheap education make?
The funny thing about tax cuts is that the very wealthy think they
>are a mistake.
I have to admit, I don't know a single person who is very wealthy, but I am
not sure I buy the above. I would guess most were for tax cuts. You think
the very wealthy want to pay taxes on capital gains and dividends, I sure
>b) If you step back and see how the rich got rich, with the exception of
>those who stole it and then bought their way in and those who contributed
>nothing but happen to be born in the right circle, the majority made it the
>hard way, they worked for it.
I agree with the above ....
But they were only able to succeed because they
>had the invaluable assistance of the police man and fireman and milkman
>(and in
>my day the iceman) and hosts of others that were needed to create the
>environment that made the accumulation of wealth possible in the first
Well I do value our brave civil servants but what the heck do they have to
do with my wealth or lack of? I thought they were there to serve the rich
and the poor alike. Don't our taxes pay for this service? We created this
environment, it wasn't created by the cops and fireman. They are us. And the
milkman or iceman???? I don't get it?
>Part of any money due back the high end is really to be shared with their
>silent partners. President Roosevelt understood this and pulled the
>out of a depression most of you have no inkling of.
Well I have no first hand knowledge of the depression. I am a boomer and I
am so glad I didn't have to experience the hardhsips. I do know it cost my
family dearly. But why wouldn't these silent partners get their own tax
>Since no one is reading this I'll stop here. But for the simplistic logic
>our good professor, there are many other avenues of challenge.
Hey I read it, I just didn't follow the logic. I don't know about anyone
else out there but I would like to see a flat tax. Anyone below a certain
(poverty) level could be exempt, over the level keep it the same. We should
eliminate all of the BS tax laws and fire about 85% of the IRS. You could
fill out your tax form over a cup of coffee.
I truly hope no one took offense.
Fair Winds,
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