[Rhodes22-list] Doyle City Island pricing on the UPS sail (long)
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 10:35:44 -0500
That is correct, the only attachment I sent was the jpg of
the sail layout. I'll send you the .pdf files later today
directly as they don't go through the list - I'm at work now
and don't have them. Maybe we can find a spot to park them
(Mark?) until Doyle gets their website up. Meanwhile I'm
willing to send them out to anyone who wants them - though
response may not be speedy until I get back until we get
back from Nashvile.
Mary Lou
> Mary Lou,
> My attachment keeps coming up with your sail
> picture? Am I missing something?
> Ed K
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rhodes22-list-bounces@rhodes22.org
> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces@rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of
> Mary Lou Troy Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 9:04 AM
> To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Doyle City Island pricing on the
> UPS sail (long)
> We now have pricing from Doyle for the UPS sail. Basically
> they will treat
> us as a club. We'll have a page on their website and we'll
> get the club price at any time as long as we stick to the
> basic parameters that we've
> worked out. The layout is a full radial "captured star"
> layout and there is
> a palette of 8 colors though I've asked about more
> colors. The price includes the sail, the Harken furler,
> the padeye, the halyard restrainer
> and lightweight sheets.
> Below is the text of 2 messages from Paul Beaudin of Doyle
> City Island explaining the price and the details.
> I have two .pdf (Adobe) attachments I can send you if you
> want to see it
> before they get up on the web page at Doyle. One is a
> drawing and description of the sail, the other is a
> faxable order form. Let me know if
> you want them but note that there might be a couple of
> changes to the final
> documents.
> I'm leaving tomorrow for Nashville and will have limited
> computer access
> over the next week but Fred and I are stopping at the
> Kaynors and I know
> they have a computer ;-) so I will check in but for the
> most part I'll have
> to play catch up when I get back.
> We still have a question about colors (I've asked if we
> can have more and
> if there are colors anywhere that we can look at). If you
> have other questions for Doyle that you think would be of
> interest to the whole group,
> you can email me and I'll pass them along to Paul and then
> the answers back
> to the list.
> While I've done most of the posting on this Jay Friedland
> did a lot of the
> legwork. Jay is off to Chicago to Strictly Sail so say
> "Hi" and "Thanks" if
> you see him.
> Here is message #1 from Doyle:
> "Hi Rhodes 22 Owners,
> Here is the UPS Power Sail Deal.
> It includes the Sail using a .9oz Nylon with a Center Star
> 3 Color Layout,
> Harken Furler, Halyard Restrainer , Deck Padeye, Light
> Weight Sheets and a
> Bag for $975.00 plus $20.00 Shipping.
> This Price is available through the owners association and
> good anytime, but
> expect a long lead-time should you wait to order into
> spring.
> Attached are the PDF Information Sheet and Order Form. We
> will have this on
> our site shortly, but please post as you wish until the
> pages are up.
> Thanks for being sailors
> Paul Beaudin
> Senior Sail Consultant
> Doyle Sailmakers
> 225 Fordham Street
> City Island, NY 10464
> 800-237-4453
> 718-885-0813fax"
> and Message #2:
> "Date: Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:18:28 PM America/New_York
> To: Jay Friedland <a.jayf@verizon.net>
> Subject: RE: UPS/R22 package
> The size is 239 sq feet. It has about a 180% overlap but
> it is effectively a
> 200% sail due to it's increased roach up high. I have
> included Hardware levels 1+2 in the package and will leave
> it to the individual to sort out
> other sheeting options. The current sail will sheet to the
> same blocks as
> the jib and the furling line can be cleated using any of
> the extra jib cleats.
> Paul Beaudin
> Senior Sail Consultant
> Doyle Sailmakers
> 225 Fordham Street
> City Island, NY 10464
> 800-237-4453
> 718-885-0813fax"
> That's about it for now. I found a drawing of a spinnaker
> with a roughly
> similar shape that I could convert to a .bmp file so I
> could play with it
> in Paint. I'm up to "spin25.bmp" One of you
> mathematicians out there can
> figure out if you have 3 colors per sail and 8 possible
> colors and 3 possible layouts (all one color, 2 color
> only, & 3 color sails) how many
> permutations there might be. In any event I've attached
> one pic here saved
> back to a jpg.
> Mary Lou
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