[Rhodes22-list] More Newbie Questions
Alex Bell
Tue, 04 Mar 2003 12:09:38 -0500
You need to work on the folding, collapsable Christmas tree first. I
want one that has all the lights (real lights, not those whimpy tiny
things) stay on the tree, along with oreniments (sp) and frilly stuff. I
envision something like an umbrella, where you pop a button, and
Whooooooosh, the x$#%^&# tree is up. No fuss or muss.
You start that plan, and I'm in.
ps, those whimpy lights that tout not taking a string of lights out if
one burns out... lie....
brad haslett wrote:
> Rik,
> I'm working on a patent for a hydraulic-electric
> windex that folds and stows inside the mast. The
> power draw may require going to the eu2000i to handle
> the electric driven hydraulic pumps. You in or out on
> this one? Don't give me that simple is better crap I
> got the last time on the genset.
> Brad