[Rhodes22-list] RE: [rhodes-list] New Main Sail -
Wearewaitingformore accurate information
Alex Bell
Sun, 09 Mar 2003 21:43:27 -0500
Wally, Ed, et al,
You know if it aint in a mode that automatically pops open, like jpeg or
the other kinds of files, I just delete em. They can't be too terribly
improtant if I have to send them to a temp file and then root around for
a way to open/view them. Why not send the pics, etc in a form that
actually works for the masses?
Sorry about this, but it's my outlook on life these days. If it's
overcomplicated, it't not worth messing with. Comes from all those years
troubleshooting computer crap.
Wally Buck wrote:
> Ed,
> Actually the attachment is below and will still work. Scroll down the
> attachment is at the bottom (almost). I will repaste below -
> http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attch/200303/05/imfMk-II.bin