[Rhodes22-list] Deck thickness
brad haslett
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 07:49:45 -0800 (PST)
Mary Lou,
I missed the first part of the thread. Are you
wanting the thickness of the deck on the foredeck
where the vent is located? If so I can unwrap mine
later this afternoon and measure it for you, I think.
I say I think because the vent recepticle was
installed by a previous owner for a dorade vent. The
Nicro solar vent slipped perfectly in the same
recepticle. It has a retention plate on the inside of
the deck as well as the outside trim ring which would
make the actual dimension of the deck more difficult
to measure.
--- mltroy <mltroy@netreach.net> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> You are right, we could - but the boat is still
> mostly
> wrapped up for winter and it's really hard to get to
> the
> foredeck. We can't unwrap her completely until we
> move her
> out from under the oak tree where she lives for the
> winter.
> We were hoping that someone in warmer climes with
> the dorade
> vent there and easy access to their boat could help
> us out
> with an approximate measurement.
> Mary Lou
> > hi marylou
> > cant you pull your nicro fan out and measure the
> thickness
> > there...what am i missing??
> > best
> > tom
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