[Rhodes22-list] Transformation of the left

Rik Sandberg sanderico@earthlink.net
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 20:18:02 -0500

All the group,

Being Bill wants to throw out a cheap shot or two, perhaps I'll counter with 
something a little more meaningful.

Here's something, I found quite interesting, that I sent  to Alex last night.


I read an article last night that I thought was very well written, about the 
recent transformations of the "left" Here's a link. You don't have to 
subscribe to this thing. Just scroll down and you'll see how you can get a 
free day pass. You'll have to page through a commercial for the free visit. 
It's short and easy though. I think you'll find it worth while. I know I did.


If this doesn't get you to thinking, you've already been dead awhile.
