[Rhodes22-list] Anne, Wally, Tennessee Update

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 13:04:51 EDT 2003

Hey boys and girls, I just walked in from the employee
lot with one of our husband/wife pilot teams who live
on Pickwick and have a 55 foot Viking powerboat
(they're DINKS, dual income, no kids) and they gave me
an update on the Tennessee.  The water has been
overflowing the locks at Pickwick until last night so
Pickwick is basically at its highest level since they
can't hold anymore back. The Pickwick lock to KY lake
just opened, it had been too turbulent before.
Kentucky Lake is of course the last stop to the Ohio
and can hold more water because of the design of the
dam.  Other dams are designed to hold more as well,
perhaps Wally's.  So bottom line is this, you guys
bear the brunt of the flooding and Pickwick is
somewhat more stable.  Sorry guys, I didn't design the


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