[Rhodes22-list]centerboard enlightenment issue

FNuttersNY at aol.com FNuttersNY at aol.com
Mon Sep 1 13:15:21 EDT 2003

well I uncovered my bildge in way of the centerboard trunkcover only to find 
the whole thing cemented over.  I get about  a  half a cup and  it stays at 
that level but can't find where it is coming from. It may be weeping through the 
cement.  I get a lot less now that I made repairs to the keel damage and 
filled the whole area with two gallons of resin..  I also noticed the hull is not 
terribly thick bellow the waterline as I could get some give as I pushed on it 
with my foot.   I may add a 1/2 inch layer of cement or fiberglass to give it 
some intergrity.  I think my boat is rather light compared to the later ones 
so an extra couple hunderd pounds of ballest shouldn't hurt.

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