[Rhodes22-list] Why Spreader Lights?Because....

Jim White jdwhite at panam.edu
Thu Apr 1 16:19:51 EST 2004

I guess it's probably a carryover from my Bering-sea fishery days when I 
was young. Sometimes it seems comforting to have the whole deck lit up (as 
you stated; only when stopped tho).

I like your suggestions for additionals.  I've always carried a q-beam and 
a headlamp as well.

I used little(+/- 3" dia.) sealed in plastic halogen offroad light pair 
purchased at Walmart (we call it Wally Martinez  here),. Cost me $15. Don't 
know the amp-hour draw, but I'll check. I split a little piece of closed 
cell foam insulation then tie-wrapped them to the spreaders. then tie 
wrapped the exposed wires down, led em through the mast via 2 #21 holes 
drilled on the Port and Starboard "sides", plugged that with silicon, 
fished it through the mast, through the new wire that I installed side by 
side out with the existing anchor light wire, to the fuse protected rocker 
and viola! I'll check at home and get the specs, brand etc...

Won't use them a great deal, probably mostly at my slip when on shore 
power, with the ac converter on, or in a limited setting when rafted up 
with friends. Texas sized parties yaknow.

Again, thanks for the advice ya'll

Jim White

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