[Rhodes22-list] Why Spreader Lights?Because...it's South Texas

Jim White jdwhite at panam.edu
Fri Apr 2 08:23:19 EST 2004

I guess it must be something with our continual 100+  degree summer days 
and perpetual 10-20mph SSE wind, bugs have never seemed to be much of a 
problem. I used spreader lights on my last boat (Suzannajo, a 30' Abbott) 
and loved 'em. Lotsa sailboats around here have 'em....

Changes in latitudes....

Jim White

At 07:05 AM 04/02/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>I installed spreader lights on another boat and found when I turned them 
>on they attracted bugs from all over the state.  The only advantage over a 
>flashlight is the ablity to see the sail shape at when sailing at night.
>>From: Jim White <jdwhite at panam.edu>
>>Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>>To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Why Spreader Lights?Because....
>>Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 16:19:51 -0600
>>I guess it's probably a carryover from my Bering-sea fishery days when I 
>>was young. Sometimes it seems comforting to have the whole deck lit up 
>>(as you stated; only when stopped tho).
>>I like your suggestions for additionals.  I've always carried a q-beam 
>>and a headlamp as well.
>>I used little(+/- 3" dia.) sealed in plastic halogen offroad light pair 
>>purchased at Walmart (we call it Wally Martinez  here),. Cost me $15. 
>>Don't know the amp-hour draw, but I'll check. I split a little piece of 
>>closed cell foam insulation then tie-wrapped them to the spreaders. then 
>>tie wrapped the exposed wires down, led em through the mast via 2 #21 
>>holes drilled on the Port and Starboard "sides", plugged that with 
>>silicon, fished it through the mast, through the new wire that I 
>>installed side by side out with the existing anchor light wire, to the 
>>fuse protected rocker and viola! I'll check at home and get the specs, 
>>brand etc...
>>Won't use them a great deal, probably mostly at my slip when on shore 
>>power, with the ac converter on, or in a limited setting when rafted up 
>>with friends. Texas sized parties yaknow.
>>Again, thanks for the advice ya'll
>>Jim White
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