Apology - was RE: [Rhodes22-list] Politics Geraldo Rivera reports
Wally Buck
tnrhodey at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 5 13:11:26 EDT 2004
Steve the Analyst,
Have you ever considered that there are conservatives against attacking
Iraq? Can you expand your mind to separate issues or do you just lump them
all into one? Is it at all possible that we could have achieved better
results by some other means than attacking Iraq?
So maybe we attacked to fight terror against the US. Oops no link to 911
with Iraq (or the Cole, or the blowing up of US Embassies). Well maybe we
attacked because they had WMD. Oops no WMD found. Well maybe we attacked to
reduce terror globally. Try telling that to Spain. Well maybe we attacked
because we wanted to be involved with nation building. Oops didn't W have a
big speech saying he was against using our Armed Forces for nation building?
You also say we are at war; actually neither side has declared war.
Maybe if we hang around a few more years we can cram freedom down their
throats. This has worked so well for us in the past. What little good we
have achieved in Iraq has not been worth the cost. Try to use your best
analytical skills and do a cost analysis of the gains. Look at what we spent
and compare it to what we get back in return.
Do you have any understanding of the history of the area? Up until this
weekend the resistance in Iraq has come from the Sunnis. Even though Saddam
was a Sunni they are actually much more "open minded" than the Shiites
(sic?). The Shiites are the old school Muslims and true fundamentalist. They
only recognize the earliest teachings of the Koran and think that the
liberal Sunnis are heathens. Think Iran in the early 80s; it was the Shiites
that took over the US Embassy. Now the Shiites are unified enough to start
attacks against our forces. The only thing the Shiites and the Sunnis have
in common is their hatred of the US. The Kurds don't have much use for us
either but they think it is still in their best interest to lay off the US
forces. If something comes down that they don't like they will start blowing
up our guys as well.
I was watching FOX this weekend and was fascinated to hear how the falling
dollar is helping to drive up the cost of oil. I was happy to learn that
economics classes I took in the 70s still have merit. They discussed how
supply and demand and the strength of the dollar have everything to do with
the cost of imported goods. I guess you know better huh? I am also guessing
you just love FOX news right? LOL
I am not sure if the numerous errors in your posts are supposed to just rile
the list or if you just don't have a grasp of the facts. I know you will
counter with claims that I am liberal and bring up some more nonsense about
fishing. Things are a little more complex than that and perhaps beyond your
>From: Steve <rhodes2282 at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>To: stan <stan at rhodes22.com>,The Rhodes 22 mail list
><rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Subject: Re: Apology - was RE: [Rhodes22-list] Politics Geraldo Rivera
>Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 06:03:19 -0700 (PDT)
>If the US does not help people in need; who will???
>Saldam was using Chemical weapon on his people. Some
>country needed to go in there and clean that mess up.
>We went in to Somila for a whole lot less of a reason.
> It's not making them our mold. Remember, they wrote
>thier own Constituation. Women now have the right to
>vote. Girl are being allowed to go to school.
>Surely, these things are something that the liberals
>see are a good thing. I know there is no way to
>change the liberal way of thinking. Like the old
>saying goes; give a man a fish-feed him for a day;
>teach him to fish-feed him for life. The bad thing
>about this country, to many people are standing in
>line all day waiting on someone to give them a fish.
>What we are doing in Irag is teaching them to fish. I
>know that the liberal way of thinking will never agree
>to this. But people need to stop thinking about
>themselves & realize all the good we are doing for
>them. Yes solider are dieing-It's a war. BUT THE
>GOOD, OUTWEIGHTS THE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>--- stan <stan at rhodes22.com> wrote:
> > sorry, I am back in town
> >
> > Rummy, how did you get so smart? Webtender, rum
> > all around. And an extra
> > round for Wally for reminding us that the USA was
> > not put on earth to force
> > all other cultures into our mold. Oh, and water
> > Ed's down for asking anyone
> > to not bother him by doing their responses to MM off
> > list.
> >
> > stan/gbi
> >
> > PS: Rhodies, stop picking on Tom. While we are
> > probably at opposite ends of
> > the polls (in the booth), he is one of the nicest,
> > most experienced Rhodies
> > we have and should be encouraged to move beyond his
> > nautical contributions.
> >
> > OK, so I can't stop: It is crazy to leave the list
> > because you don't like
> > the political banter. Reminds me of my workers
> > who, when I attempt to
> > cover an area beyond their narrow job, say, I don't
> > need to know that. And
> > I say how did you get that big arm muscle and they
> > say, by using it. And I
> > suggest they will get the same kind of growing by
> > using their head (just
> > look how well it has been working for Todd). For
> > those who feel they don't
> > need the broader growth this list brings, the
> > founding fathers did come up
> > with the idea of subject titles for the delete
> > button. It is just that I am
> > afraid that more and more of the worlds' exploding
> > population will be taking
> > the "I don't need to know that" approach to what is
> > going on in the world -
> > until the world comes to a stop. And they all can
> > get off. .
> >
> > stan/gbi
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <R22RumRunner at aol.com>
> > To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> > Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:01 PM
> > Subject: Re: Apology - was RE: [Rhodes22-list]
> > Politics Geraldo Rivera
> > reports
> >
> >
> > > Steve,
> > > While one is a member of the military, protesting
> > against the war you are
> > > fighting is frowned upon. (suggestions of
> > dishonorable discharge, prison,
> > etc.) I
> > > also served in Vietnam, came home and protested
> > against the war. We never
> > > should have been there in the first place, but I
> > did my duty, served my
> > country
> > > and lived through it. I exercised my
> > constitutional right to protest our
> > > involvement in Vietnam and so did the majority of
> > the people that went
> > there. Kerry
> > > is not alone in his beliefs. It was the continued
> > protests that eventually
> > > ended our involvement. I see a day when protests
> > against our involvement
> > in Iraq
> > > may accomplish the same thing.
> > >
> > > Rummy
> > > __________________________________________________
> > > Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help?
> > www.rhodes22.org/list
> > >
> > >
> >
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