[Rhodes22-list] The time has come, the walrus said...

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Wed Aug 11 18:54:45 EDT 2004



     You have already heard from others who suggest getting a first mate.
Since you will never get the true value from selling your boat, may I
suggest that you back off on selling just now?


     We all have bad days and as we get older, they seem more frequent, the
importance of keeping going must not be underestimated.  You missed three
weeks of exercise!  At your age, it will take six weeks to recover.  Find
and Join a local gym.  In today's world, the name is sports clubs.  Have a
physical trainer set you up with an exercise program to gain flexibility.
Then go every other day and get toned up.  When you feel comfortable going
every other day, start going every day.  It will help, believe.


     Then ask if there is a Sea Scout program in your area.  On the other
hand, even regular scout troop with an explorer post.  Try a church Sunday
school class. They might even be willing to clean the boat for a sail.
Sailing is too much of your life for you to just quit.  See if you can get
thru this season....get a sailing associate.


Ed K




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