[Rhodes22-list] Steve's respect, and health care costs
rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 1 13:28:08 EST 2004
--- Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com> wrote:
> Steve wrote:
> > Ed
> > They are not be considerate of me.
> -------------------------
> Steve - your lack of care in spelling, grammar, and
> logic, combined with your claim of expertise and a
> responsible US government position invites far more
> ridicule than you have been offered.
> Take a little more care in writing your messages,
> and you will get more consideration, and more
> respect.
> It's not that I don't like you -- quite the
> contrary.
> I thought you enjoyed slugging it out, and from your
> freedom with insults, I thought you had a pretty
> thick
> skin.
> Please accept my apologies if I have overstepped the
> bounds of decency and fair play.
Spelling/grammer mean nothing. Being a conservative
is what counts. Your high & mighty liberalism is a
thing of the past. Spelled right or not!!!!!!!!
> ------------------------
> > And this country
> > current deficit is completely manageable.
> ------------------------
> Steve - From your research post re the deficit:
> "This
> is far from a trivial sum, but it is not necessarily
> an
> impossible burden either." That is not a clear
> "completely manageable", as you claim. It will be
> an
> uphill fight all the way and for a long time.
As long as the Republican are in power; it's not a
problem. The Republican made the first surpluss and
we will fix the mess the Democrats made undeer
> -------------------------
> > Example; on the previous post of research. Health
> > care cost being the one thing that this country
> must
> > address.
> ---------------------------
> >From Steve's post: "The
> assumption in this study that private sector
> health
> care costs continue to explode for the next eighty
> years would have a devastating impact on the
> economy
> even if we eliminated all publicly supported health
> care programs. If health care costs are brought
> under
> control, then the projected deficit would be
> manageable, and not qualitatively different than
> what
> comparable projections would have indicated in prior
> years."
> This is pretty specific - private, not public,
> health
> care costs are the culprit. It sounds as if we are
> about to move toward government control of health
> costs -- something like socialized medicine?
Once again, you have missed the point on Health Care.
The problem is in Tort Reform. That will fix Health
Care costs. Your are trying to talk around the issue.
You CAP settlements and all the costs related to
liability claims will lessen health care costs. And
if people were smarter and research thier doctors;
there wouldn't even be a need in all these lawsuits.
> ---------------------
> > If we inact Tort reform, Health care costs
> > stop rising at the uncontrol level they currently
> are.
> > Reason, Health care costs have to factors that do
> not
> > increase life span or improve health. They are:
> > Lawsuits
> > Doctor & Hospital liability inssurance
> >
> > Enact Tort reform; eliminating the above two
> > uncontrolable double digits increases in costs and
> you
> > have solved the main problem with the deficit.
> -------------------------
> Here is where Steve extrapolates from his data. The
> above-referenced post did not mention tort reform.
> It
> did say, "the study by Gokhale and Smetters
> demonstrated the importance of fixing the U.S.
> health
> care system. If costs continue to rise out of
> control,
> it will have a devastating impact on the economic
> well-being of future generations." No argument
> there.
What I did was quote How Bush will fix the Health care
problem. Thereby putting a finishing touch to the
> But the cost of drugs is ignored in Steve's
> immediately
> prior comments, as are the costs of a "competitive"
> private hospital system, the insurance industry
> overhead, costs of denial of preventative health
> care
> to children, etc.
No the cost of drugs is not being ignored. If you had
any brains at all you would know that Bush has
implementated a Prescription Drug plan for Medicare.
And most states / public & private plans are
implementating Evident Based Drug Provision in there
packages offered to employees. The drastic rise in PD
is being fixed.
Your other comments are simple bullshit. The cost of
denial of preventative health care. The nothinbg but
a Liberal scare comments that means NOTHING. If it
got deny; then it wasn't needed. Preventative Health
Care is being paid and not being denied. Just Liberal
> Yes, we can temporarily reduce some costs by
> preventing
> people from being able to recover damages and
> reducing
> the medical establishment's incentive to act
> responsibly,
You are totally WRONG. Tort Reform will fix the
but we could also accomplish results by
> enhancing the role of PA's - those with more skills
> than nurses, but less expensive than doctors.
Look who it trying to reinvent the wheel. You are
trying to bring on a whole new case of lawsuit. When
a service is order as medically necessary; it must be
order by a Doc. So that accountability can be
estiblish in cases of fruad.
> The answers are neither simple nor painless, and all
> avenues need to be explored, not just those proposed
> by the current administration.
Luckily, the Republicans are going to fix all this
while the Dems are sitting on the sidelines. And they
got no one to blame but themselves.
> ----------------------
> > Of course, reducing discretionary spending will
> help
> > also.
> -----------------------
> Guess we'll have to stop buying boats... But if the
> movement of goods and money slows down, doesn't the
> economy stagnate?
Do you even know how government works. That what is
wrong with Liberal; lack of understanding & to much
talking. Discretionary spending by government.
Doesn't have anything to do with the private sector.
> --
> Robert Skinner
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