[Rhodes22-list] Phillip's Boat Question

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Thu Dec 2 13:35:02 EST 2004


	I have an old (84) boat that was recycled.  I suspect that it may
have been recycled once before.  Stan does not keep track.
	It would be difficult to get a loan on an older recycle.  New or
almost new is the way to go with a loan.  
	Bill and rummy have made input, consider all input.  
	A new boat will be exactly what you specify.  It will take about 6
months to build one from your down payment until it splashed.  
	Recycles are good deals, but it will always be a used boat.  There
always will be something that a previous owner wanted there, but you will
want over here.  If you do not mind living with someone else's choice, then
recycle will do.
	When do you want to go sailing?  A deposit this week will probably
get you in the water for the next sailing season.  A deposit in February or
later means that which ever way you want to go, you probably will miss part
of the next season.  
	Boat making Stan's way is old fashioned, hand made, "labor
intensive".  He does not make them in advance because the buyers always want
something a little different.  Be that the color, sails, interior, so he
chooses to make them after he knows what the buyer wants.

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
   Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course
runs away from high places and hastens downward.  So in war, the way to
avoid what is strong is to strike what is weak. 
   Water shapes its course according to the ground over which it flows; the
soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing.
Sun Tzu

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