[Rhodes22-list] Beaufort, SC

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Fri Dec 3 20:15:53 EST 2004

Bill and Bob:
	"Like Rummy, I like long wheel base, heavy tow vehicles.  All the
other problems go away when you have one of these."  I am sorry Bill, but I
have experienced serious fishtailing pulling a R22 with a long bed Van.
Neither was mine.  Boat was not correctly as far forward as possible.  It
was not possible to correct and move the boat forward until destination
reached.  It had 9.9 Yamaha hanging.
	Boat position on trailer is very important.  Port and/or Starboard
lights must be over or forward of axle.
	Jim's suggested stabilizer bar may be a solution.  Today I found out
professional boat movers keep the stabilizers in their trucks and put them
on customers trailers to pull. 

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
 A famous Viking explorer returned home from a voyage and found his
name missing from the town register. His wife insisted on complaining to
the local civic official who apologized profusely saying, "I must have
taken Leif off of my census."

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