[Rhodes22-list] Insurance and Registration
Razgaitis Richard
raz01 at mac.com
Mon Dec 6 09:31:59 EST 2004
I echo Mary Lou's comments and am doing the reverse of you: I live in
NJ and sail in MD. For the same reasons as Mary Lou gave, I felt I had
to register the boat in MD, and paid MD sales tax (and of course
registration) b/c it was previously registered in SC.
I registered the trailer in NJ, b/c of residency, but could have
registered it in MD; as near as I can tell, it's your option on the
trailer. If you do register the trailer in NJ you have to have title,
which I did not have b/c the SC previous owner had never titled in SC.
Fortunately I was able to go back to the previous previous-owner who
was in NC and was able to get assign the title to me. In SC,
apparently, lots of folks do not title their trailer.
NJ DMV is not a very user friendly place, tho there are some nice folks
there that try their best. FL, for example, has a waiting room where
you can sit and read, as opposed to stand on line in NJ, and then are
assigned to one or another agent, and there are many as opposed to NJ
where there is often ONE, and then you get to sit there with them just
like you were someone important as they work the paperwork, whereas in
NJ you stand before what looks like they are speaking from a homeless
shelter with a small cut out opening that's set for the height of
someone about 5'2" and if there is anything amiss in what you prepared
it's back to the end of the line buddy. I would contrast FL's
registration with NJ's as a fine restaurant vs. the Soup Nazi, except
the Soup Nazi has really good soup.
On Dec 5, 2004, at 8:00 PM, P&M Beals wrote:
> Jack, Good luck with your boat. I own a 1986 hull Rhodes 22 which was
> recycled in '02. I haven't owned it too long as you will see below,
> but we
> did get 6 sails in this fall. We have a lot to learn but we had a good
> time,
> our kids loved it, and I am eager to have a lot more sailing in 2005.
> We live in NJ, docked the boat in Staten Island, sailed on Raritan Bay.
> I haven't decided for sure where home port will be next spring.
> I registered our newly purchased boat in Sept. in NJ.
> I had to pay my 6% sales tax on the boat and trailer. It was
> relatively
> easy, not very time consuming at the particular NJ DMV office I used
> (Somerville). I just looked up the cost. $ 127.70 gave us a boat
> title,
> boat regsitration and trailer registration. The trailer is not
> required to
> be inspected in NJ.
> I wish I could report that everything in NJ state govt. is smoothly
> operating. One of our former Gov. McGreevey's projects was to improve
> the
> DMV operations.
> When I went online the first time I did not feel I got all the info. I
> needed such as did I have to present the former owner's title at time
> of
> registration or would a bill of sale suffice etc.
> With a great deal of dread I called the 800 number expecting to be on
> hold
> for 15-30 minutes. Much to my surprise and delight I got a live
> customer
> service rep on the first try. I thought she had answered my questions
> satisfactorily. Once at the actual DMV office however, I learned the
> information she had given had been incorrect! For example she told me
> that
> NJ DMV does not issue titles for boats. They do, they did, I have
> mine now
> that was sent to me within a month after I got my boat registered.
> Also what I would have to present at the time of registration was not
> what
> in fact was the practice at the DMV office.
> Here is what it turned out I needed:
> the title as held by the previous owner
> my driver's license
> I had with me a bill of sale (not notarized) but I recall if I just
> swore on
> the application to the actual sale price, that would have sufficed.
> The registrations are good for one year.
> The online site for DMV isn't too bad. That is where you get your info
> on
> boat registrations.
> Good luck.
> Phyllis
> Whisper
>> From: Jack Schiller <jjschiller at yahoo.com>
>> Reply-To: The Rhodes 22 mail list <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>> Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 08:54:19 -0800 (PST)
>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Insurance and Registration
>> I am in the process of buying a recycled 1986 Rhodes 22 from Stan, to
>> be ready
>> for next year's sailing season (5/15-10/15). I live in PA, but will
>> have a
>> slip in NJ. Does anyone have any advice regarding marine insurance?
>> Is there
>> any advantage to registering a boat in NJ rather than PA?
>> Jack
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