[Rhodes22-list] Fred's reply on Compression Post

Steve rhodes2282 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 9 12:23:26 EST 2004

:-)Good one, Ed.
I don't know if it matter or not but for Lou; since he
will be needing to build one; he is probably going to
want to build it in the center.  But if he is off by
an inch or 2; I doubt that it matter:-)  The main
thing is to have one under the mast.  Espically for
someone who is using a standard mast.  On heavy wind
days when you tort some bend in that mast; you got to
have a compression post.  

--- ed kroposki <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:

> Fred:
> 	Thank you, I have an '84 and mine is to starboard. 
> I did not think
> that the cat was moving the cheese that often.  I am
> still looking for the
> year that the cat moved the cheese from the center. 
> Steve's post is in the
> center, Roger's is in the center, yours and mine are
> starboard.  When did
> the cat move the cheese(compression post)?
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> Addendum:  See attachment
> > Name: Cheshire cat.gif Type: image/gif Size: 58375
> bytes Desc: not available
> Url:
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