[Rhodes22-list] Cold weather hits the tropics!

Jim White jdwhite at utpa.edu
Wed Dec 22 12:49:39 EST 2004

Wellll...my gloating over our warm and tropical clime is about to come to 
an abrupt halt. We're due to get a big inflow of very cold air starting 
tomorrow, in fact freezing temperatures and sleet are even in our forecast. 
To top it off, I am the regional coordinator for the sea turtle stranding 
network, and will be on call (and probably at the lab) throughout the event 
including Christmas day and beyond (it's scheduled to warm up by the first 
of next week). The problem is our bay is quite shallow, and rapidly falling 
water temperatures sends the critters into a state of shock, so the next 
several days will be sea turtle central here at the lab as we try and take 
care of them until the water warms up enough to release them back into the 
wild. Gosh, it's so romantic being a marine biologist.....

Doesn't look like I'll be roasting my nuts by the home fire this Christmas eve!
Happy Holidays ya'll.
Jim White
Le Menagerie

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