[Rhodes22-list] Turtles, Politics, and Sailing

Steve Alm salm at mn.rr.com
Fri Dec 31 16:52:12 EST 2004


Nope, not TN's wedding, but speaking of first daughters, a colleague of mine
was on a flight from Minneapolis to Chicago and sat next to the Bush twins,
Jenna and Barbara, who were out campaigning for Daddy.

During this chance encounter, Schroeder wished the President and his family
the best of luck on the up coming election, and said if the President needed
a band to play for his Inaugural Ball, what better choice than the
"Casablanca Orchestra"? (which of course translates to the "White House
Orchestra")  He then gave them a business card and said he'd follow up by
sending them a couple of copies of the groups new Cd,"Covered".

A couple of weeks after the band sent a letter and 2 CD's to the White
House, the 1st Lady's Chief of Staff sent Schroeder and the rest of the band
a thank you note.  

Immediately following the election results CBO sent a letter of
congratulations and a press kit, again expressing their interest in playing
for President Bush's Inauguration.

The 1st Lady's Chief of Staff once again sent a letter to the band and said
she would forward the group's promotional material to the Inaugural
Committee. After the committee poured over more than 1000 press kits, CBO
was chosen to represent the North.

In addition, I used to teach high school band at Lakeville High (a southern
suburb) and the LHS marching band is invited to march in the inaugural

As you know, I didn't vote for Bush, but I'm mighty proud that my fellow MN
musicians got the gig!


On 12/30/04 5:45 AM, "brad haslett" <flybrad at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Slim,
> That wasn't at Tricia Nixon's wedding was it?  The
> Turtles played that gig.
> The last of the snow melted here last night.  All
> systems are go for a New Year's day sail.  I usually
> don't participate in "amatuer night", otherwise known
> as New Years Eve, but my buddy is driving down from
> Illinois and we're spending the night on the boat.  He
> doesn't have my steely self-dicipline so there will
> probably be a local honky-tonk involved.  A few of the
> local bands are quite good depending on who made bail
> that weekend.
> Brad
> --- Steve Alm <salm at mn.rr.com> wrote:
>> "Imagine me and you--I do--I think about you day and
>> night--it's only
>> right..."
>> We did a couple gigs with The Turtles back in the
>> eighties.  I actually sat
>> in with them for a set when their keyboard player
>> was too drunk to sit
>> upright.  I wasn't much better.  But Flo and Eddie
>> are the greatest!
>> Slim
>> On 12/29/04 7:59 PM, "Jim White" <jdwhite at utpa.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>> I have attached a composite of the release of most
>> of the sea turtles which
>>> stranded during the Christmas cold front that
>> plowed through deep south
>>> Texas, dropping water temperatures into the 40's.
>> My wife and I babysat 20
>>> of the critters since Christmas day. We lost two
>> (they were already pretty
>>> much dead when they were brought in). The rest
>> came back really well, and
>>> today we tagged and released the herd into the
>> open Gulf of Mexico, about 5
>>> miles offshore in 64 degree water. We're hoping
>> that they all do well, and
>>> no more big cold fronts hit this year.
>>> We had just gotten back in when the phone rang,
>> some fisherman had snagged
>>> a small green turtle, so off we went to recover
>> it. Right front flipper is
>>> messed up...so tomorrow...off to the zoo for
>> rehab. Never ends! Next stop
>>> for us though is the local brew pub for a
>> celebratory pitcher (or three).
>>> Hoping to get some sailing in now, like,
>> tomorrow....
>>> BTW No Rummy, the 4th photo is not me retching my
>> Flor de Cana....if you
>>> look closely, you can see the outline of a big old
>> green turtle carapace in
>>> the water.
>>> Cheers everybody, hope you're having a blessed
>> holidays. We are.
>>> jw
>>> Jim White
>>> Le Menagerie
>>> Name: Turtlecomposite.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size:
>> 290574 bytes Desc: not
>>> available
>>> Url: 
> http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attch/200412/29/Turtlecomposit
>>> e.jpg
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