[Rhodes22-list] A new crewmember

Paul Grandholm paul at grandpower.com
Mon Jan 26 13:24:00 EST 2004


     Congratulations!  I must have missed a post somewhere along the line 
because I didn't even know you were expecting.  She looks like a real 
bundle of joy.

>Hi all, I am pleased to announce that the baby is here.  ITS A GIRL!!
>Annette, baby (Caroline Celeste), and myself are doing great.  I included a
>link to the hospital web site for pictures.  Sorry for the delay in
>notification but we only got home from the hospital on Saturday and still
>havent slept more than a couple hours at a time.  COME ON SPRING (or
>whatever time it is when she sleeps through the night).  Bob Weber

Paul Grandholm
GrandPower Components Div.
C&H Technology
ISO9001 Certified

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