[Rhodes22-list] New Boat and the quality question
ed kroposki
ekroposki at charter.net
Mon Jun 7 08:31:31 EDT 2004
Single handling works, yet you do not trip over yourself in the
cockpit. Ah, I want to see them single hand that 26, stabbing themselves on
that wheel getting to a line.
And Russ is talking about quality issues. Well, now Russ and Glen
know how Stan feels. The only way a boat builder could make a sailboat that
fully addresses each quality issue is to make them one by one by himself. A
high quality sailboat is a work of art. It cannot come from a production
run. There would be no way anybody, nor anyone this list, could afford to
build one.
Ed K
-----Original Message-----
From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Lloyd Crowther
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 1:08 AM
To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Lloyd's New Boat
Uhuru II went overboard in early April. Same slip, C22. All cleaned up
like new. It sure has been a rainy spring though!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Tavares" <sprocket80 at mail.com
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Lloyd's New Boat
is it Zen and the Art of Sailboat Maintenance? :-)
Have you splashed Uhuru II yet?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Crowther" <lcrowther at cox.net
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2004 22:51:23 -0400
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Lloyd's New Boat
My last three sailboats have been respectively 27', 24', and 22' as I Spend
more and more time single-handing. If I were to follow that trend I Would
need to carry a small paddle on the next boat rather than a big hammer.
On second thought, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea!
It sounds like some of the people on the list are rigging their present
and/or new vessels to commute back and forth to Bermuda. They seem to want
to poop in private; indulge in multiple redundant automatic hands-off
navigation, depth-finding, and steering systems; and carry enough ground
tackle to keep Hornblower happy. Not that there is any thing wrong with
that, to quote that Seinfeld gentleman, but us peasants are getting jealous
while trying to make do with a bucket, a lead line, and a pail full of
concrete on a rope! What ever happened to the wind-in-your-hair,
spray-in-your-face, beer-bottle-in-your-hand sailors of yore like Stan?
Of course, present readers are excluded from the ranks of the Rhodes22
astronauts referred to above.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ed kroposki" <ekroposki at charter.net
To: "'The Rhodes 22 mail list'" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 6:33 PM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Lloyd's New Boat
Does this mean you are getting Seaward 26 too? Remember to carry a big
Ed K
Correction: Left out the word "NOT" before the word "currently", must Have
been a Freidan Slip.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Crowther" <lcrowther at cox.net
To: <rhodes-list at sailnet.net
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [rhodes-list] Bright Idea
Why not post the list on the Rhodes22 site. I'm sure many of the Rhodies
like myself would like a copy for some possible future usage even if they
are currently trying to sell their boat.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Courtney Thomas" <ccthomas at joimail.com
To: <rhodes-list at sailnet.net
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [rhodes-list] Bright Idea
I'd appreciate a copy of the 90 sites for listing a sailboat for sale.
Mike Fortuna wrote:
Do you get much response from your ad with ABL?
I've compiled a list of about 90 Internet sites where you can list a
sailboat, many of them for free. I'll try to attach it or I can send it to
you directly. I recall contacting ABL a few years ago when I sold my
26'sailboat. They claimed they had lots of prospects for it but when I
contacted some of the current sellers most said they'd paid a large fee
upfront with poor results.
I still have a few minor things to do to it, but I'm just starting To
is my Rhodes 19 centerboard model and a very rugged trailer, with some of
the sites. Good luck, Mike
on 6/5/04 3:01 PM, GrahamLBN at aol.com at GrahamLBN at aol.com wrote:
s/v Mutiny
Rhodes Bounty II
lying Oriental, NC
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