[Rhodes22-list] boat name
Michael Meltzer
mjm at michaelmeltzer.com
Thu Jun 17 00:56:29 EDT 2004
I just woke Karin up with "Condensed Sloop", did not go over well, I like it, but being from Germany she did not grow up with
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Lou Troy" <mltroy at verizon.net>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] boat name
Ok Michael, here's my list. Aeolus (or Aiolos or Aeolos) is good so if you
like it you might want to stick with it. No one will know how to spell it
though - that's in keeping I guess.
I've thought of a few other possibilities:
Sounder (because you sail LIS)
Harp (as in Aeolian Harp - an instrument played by the wind - also a good
Decoder (well, you know....)
Magic ring (ditto...)
Mademoiselle (so you can have a French girl to show rummy)
Too quiet
AMLANI (sounds Hawaiian, hope it doesn't mean anything but first two
letters of your girls names)
AMLANIKA (sounds Swedish, Finnish or Russian, hope it doesn't mean
anything and have added the first two letters of Karin's name)
Ringer (because you boat will not be quite recognizable as a Seaward 26
and will have folks scratching their heads)
Mystery (ditto)
and my favorite (I actually woke up in the middle of the night laughing
with this one):
Condensed Sloop
I also did a search for websites about wind - so here are a few where you
might get more ideas (warning - a lot of these sites seem to be put up by
new-agey romantics):
just new-agey but poetic:
and a boat name site you might have missed (with reasons why people used
those names which might jar something loose)
You might ask Karin for something in German that's not too long or hard to
say on the VHF
Good luck! Hope this helps!
Mary Lou
At 10:25 PM 6/15/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>well I tried that, Laura, Amy, Nina, ended up with LAN, covers the
>computer part also, but did not have feeling!!!, adding karines
>name did not help, Did I mention they let me have a boy dog :-)
>Father name does not help, Bernard or Barrel is not boating.
>I checked the other names, but they seems very common, Aeolus still on top.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jim Connolly" <jbconnolly at comcast.net>
>To: "'The Rhodes 22 mail list'" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:15 PM
>Subject: RE: [Rhodes22-list] boat name
>If you're going to all this trouble, it should be something that means
>something to you. Maybe makes you smile?
>Wife/daughters' name(s) combination, something about you being outnumbered 3
>or 4 to 1
>(Overly) clever computer slang term
>I've had 4 boats, with three names:
>Changes in Latitude (uninspired and, to be honest, the old piece of ^&@% had
>a lot of difficulty changing position, much less latitude)
>Second Love (wife let me buy a brand new Grady White 23' :-) )
>And last 2 named Inis Oírr (Inisheer) which was my sailing grandfather's
>ancestral home.
>I actually like Aeolus. There are other greek/roman minor deities dealing
>with wind & sailing. e.g. http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/WINDS.html
>Good Luck
>Jim Connolly
>-----Original Message-----
>From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Michael Meltzer
>Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:30 PM
>To: The Rhodes 22 mail list
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] boat name
>Karin laughed, but I do not thing so :-) SO far I have spent more timer on
>the boat name than all 3 kids name, been running thought "boat name" web
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <R22RumRunner at aol.com>
>To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] boat name
> > Michael,
> >
> > How bout, "Grounds for divorce?".
> >
> > Rummy
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