[Rhodes22-list] Brazil, was instigator

Lloyd Crowther lcrowther at cox.net
Fri Mar 19 13:28:23 EST 2004

Slim and Rummy,

Speaking of cashasa (sp?) I tried a bottle  when I was in Rio getting ready
for my trip through Matto Grosso and Rhondonia, but thought it a little
distasteful and very strong.  I was told it was native Brandy but the only
thing I'm sure of it was potent.  Several weeks later, after living the
jungle life for a while, I found out if you occasional went through a
settlement of sorts, you could always find a native who made the jungle
version of the stuff which was even stronger and oh so good!  Also stopped a
guy on a road one day and bought his 3" round, 2' long roll of native pipe
tobacco wrapped up in leafs and tied with a piece of vine which probably
saved me from dying of a nicotine fit.  I guess you have to do what you have
to do, but enjoying it is the sign of an adaptor!!

(This has very little to do with boating)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Alm" <salm at mn.rr.com>
To: "Rhodes" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 4:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] instigator

> Rummy,
> Yes, they have Mt. Gay.  "Rum" is even spelled the same in Portuguese but
> when an r is the first letter it's pronounced as h, and the u is long, so
> it's pronounced "hoom."  8-)  But they also have another rum-like beverage
> down there called cashasa (sp?)  Get this--they take a mason jar filled
> the right ingredients and hang it on a fruit tree.  Somehow they put the
> on with the flower inside the jar.  The flower becomes the fruit, which
> ripens inside the jar and the whole thing ferments and, viola!  Booze! 8-)
> Different fruit makes different flavor and there are dozens to choose
> They vary in proof from wine-like to kick-your-happy-ass-into-next-week!
> Needless to say, I'll be doing more research on this matter.  I'll let you
> know my findings.  8-)
> Esteban
> On 3/18/04 8:15 PM, "R22RumRunner at aol.com" <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
> > Hey Slimmy,
> >
> > Do they have rum in Brazil?
> >
> > Rummy
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