[Rhodes22-list] Political: By Rummy and Russell
brad haslett
flybrad at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 05:21:14 EST 2004
Shortly after we watched a de-ranged Kerry supporter
"attack" me on video and the laughter subsided, our
local group of pub politcos figured out the 2008
Presidential race Representing the Dems was a lawyer
from the public defenders office and a former campaign
advisor to Clinton's governer's races. Here's what we
came up with.
After eight years of Republican administration, the
Dems have their best chance at the White House. If
they run Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Dean, or their ilk,
they will lose. If they run someone closer to the
center like Evan Bayh or Bill Richardson, their
chances are excellent.
The Republicans have two above average candidates,
Frist and Hegal. The country is not ready for a third
Bush as president.
We're starting to place bets. I put my money on Frist
v Bayh with Bayh winning.
Any takers?
Brad Haslett
--- R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:
> Ed,
> I never said anything about Hillary, I simply stated
> that Rudy wasn't
> presidential material and asked Russ what he had
> been smoking.
> Rummy
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