[Rhodes22-list] I JUST GOT A 1976 RHODES 22

Todd Tavares sprocket80 at mail.com
Thu Nov 25 01:09:39 EST 2004


    I don't know if you read the e-mail I sent to the Rhodes list in response to your first request for help determining the structural layout of the R 22 interior. I attached a couple of drawings and have a couple more with this e-mail. 

     First of all, it looked as if there was standing water in the cabin. You need to get that out and allow the hull to dry out good.  I would try to get rid of that OSB chip board and go with marine grade plywood.  It costs quite a bit but the quality is much better,  There are no voids and the plys are bonded with non-water soluable glue.  I would still follow Roger's suggestion to give the structural members a coating of two of epoxy first.
     In the first drawings, I left out two stringers, (#5 and #6 in my latest drawing) which are really cleats, and are glassed to the stringers (#1 and #2) These stringers/cleats support the edges of the cabin floor and allow the floor to be secured with screws. 

    Since your interior is gutted, you can make up your own interior design  if you like....BUT you definitely need to add a mast compression post!! It appears in your photos there are holes and marks on the ceiling so it won't be difficult to locate the correct position. 

    If you have never done fiberglass work, I would suggest buying an instructional video or go to the website for: 
http://www.westsystem.com/  and  http://www.boater.com/repinfo/westsys/west4.html 

Both sites have a ton of info. I highly recommend buying a video...but at the very least buy a copy of gudgeon brothers manual #002-550 "Fiberglass Boat Repair & Maintenance". I got this manual free at a local boat store. 

Todd Tavares 

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