[Rhodes22-list]Immel's Picture sending test

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Mon Oct 4 09:50:28 EDT 2004


I guess that is why the guys looking for your pictures could not find them,
because Michael posted them.

Let us try to get it so that you can post us pictures yourself.  First, do
you use windows or another operating system?

If you use windows, do you 'outlook' or 'express'?

Using these programs the trick is to know where in your directory you have
the pictures stored.  If it is in the 'pictures' subdirectory, when you go
to the attach function (use the paper clip on the tool bar} you have to
browse to pictures, highlight the picture that you want to attach and mash
ok or attach. (If you do not have the paper clip showing in your tool bars,
then we have to get it showing.) You can tell if the attachment is correctly
attached to your email if you can access the picture from the draft of your
email.  When sent to the server, the picture is not included in the text of
the email but shows up as an accessible attachment.

Another possibility to the problem is your server is striping attachments,
but if Michael got the original attachment then that is not happening.

Feel free to try sending pictures to the list until you get the technique
mastered.  We will work with you.

Ed K

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